I'm so ready

U.S.A. Texas


I do have a few questions about navigating the waters of nursing school, family and (God help me) work. I'm so ready to do this and my motivation is clamoring for matter dinner snacks. How often does what we want equal exactly what we need?

I actually need to do this. For me. For my family. I'm prepared to do this without a safety net. Why? Because when there's no other option, this just HAS to work. Y'all may not know how serious I am on this. It isn't just a desire. This is not just a game of life. This is a necessity. Of paramount importance.

I don't recall being this focused on anything in my life. This next chapter is for those two little boys. My wife. Me. This will work because it has to. There is no other way. No other option.

I will not take a loss. I will not leave this without being a champion. I will succeed. I will not be stopped!

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

It's great to be determined, you need to be to get through nursing school; however, not have a safety net or plan B is bad planning, especially if you already have a family. How often has life gone exactly as planned? For me, not often, and I'm grateful to having back up plans. Going into a stressful environment with this much stress already on you is setting yourself up for disappointment- sometimes how bad we want something doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things. Not trying to get you down, just trying to show you to be logical and rational.

Specializes in NICU, Trauma, Oncology.

Be flexible. You can do it. I am also in the "failure is not an option" boat. This is my second career and my husband and toddler are my biggest supporters. Is nursing school hard? Yes. Is it stressful? It can be - but if you're flexible and organized then you can lessen your stress level tremendously. Stay on top of the reading, get help as soon as you need it.

Thank you, OnOn2RN for sharing that I'm not in that boat alone. Some of the most successful people in history got there by not having backup plans. I've been told you don't work as hard when you have the proverbial "Plan B". I guess it's ok to have one but I don't. I have put more effort in when what I'm doing is the only outcome besides failure. But that's me.

I start nursing school in March, and I don't have a back up plan. I am very focused as well, and it's hard for me to stay on task I must admit. My father has always told me if you have a plan B, C, etc. Then you are already preparing for failure. I always listen to his advice considering the fact he has been a entrepreneur for 30 plus years. Just like me you sound very passionate about the nursing field, and that alone will drive you to succeed. I have children as well three girls, and for them I will succeed. I wish you the best of luck,and keep us posted about your journey :)

I graduated in may and I too went through school without a backup plan. Being a nurse was what I always wanted I really have no idea what else I would do outside the realm of nursing. I never went through school saying what if I fail what if I fail because that just wasn't an option for me. I wish you the best of luck!!

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I had no backup plan when in 2004 when I quit my decently-paying factory job to enroll in a 12-month LVN program. Thankfully, the timing was good and things worked out for me. However, I had no spouse or kids when I took this risk.

Sometimes we must take a leap of faith in life. Without any risk-taking, the regrets may haunt us in our later years. Good luck to you and your family.

A drop of advice;

The sky is the limit! Keep on moving forward and reaching out for the stars, live your life to the fullest and follow your heart, your dreams will become true.

Good luck in your journey, don't waste another minute, your time is now.

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