I'm officially a Pre-Nursing Student...


Well I will be tomorrow morning at 8am when I have my first class. My 4 year count down has begun.:balloons:

Specializes in Operating Room.

Congrats and good luck! :)

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Hi, Princess74! We've all been there. Take a few sheets of paper with you and something to carry the handouts and syllabi you will be getting from your instructors. Enjoy your first day. It's so exciting, isn't it? :)

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.
Well I will be tomorrow morning at 8am when I have my first class. My 4 year count down has begun.:balloons:

Good Luck! Did you get your parking pass and ID? I got my sticker updated on my ID from summer to fall student last week. I have A&P and math on Friday so I'll be up there then. Have fun.

Specializes in Geriatrics.
Well I will be tomorrow morning at 8am when I have my first class. My 4 year count down has begun.:balloons:

Good luck and have fun! I'm heading to that point myself! My first classes will begin at 8am 13 days from now! A big school day with Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, Psychology I, Psychology of Human Development, and Sociology -- I'm SOOO looking forward to it! Being an RN seems so much closer doesn't it? :)

Well I survived my first day. Both of my instructors seem really great and both give extra credit yeah! I still have 3 more to meet so hopefully this trend will continue. Well, I have to go read my BIO book now:uhoh21: lol, then go to work this evening. I'll catch everybody later.


Yes I did get my parking pass. I'll be there tomorrow morning at 9am for CHM. We will have to get together one day soon.

Specializes in Operating Room.

Glad it went well! .....and thank God for extra credit!!!!!!!

Well I survived my first day. Both of my instructors seem really great and both give extra credit yeah! I still have 3 more to meet so hopefully this trend will continue. Well, I have to go read my BIO book now:uhoh21: lol, then go to work this evening. I'll catch everybody later.


Yes I did get my parking pass. I'll be there tomorrow morning at 9am for CHM. We will have to get together one day soon.

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.
Well I survived my first day. Both of my instructors seem really great and both give extra credit yeah! I still have 3 more to meet so hopefully this trend will continue. Well, I have to go read my BIO book now:uhoh21: lol, then go to work this evening. I'll catch everybody later.


Yes I did get my parking pass. I'll be there tomorrow morning at 9am for CHM. We will have to get together one day soon.

Yes, we will!

Well I will be tomorrow morning at 8am when I have my first class. My 4 year count down has begun.:balloons:

me too...my first day of class starts on sep 08 @ 08:30. i have 4 classes. psychology, biology, bio lecture and nursing 111. it's so kewl to go back to school. goodluck to all the students...work hard!


Specializes in long term care.

glad you are doing well. I am going to YSU , here in Ohio and my first day isn't until the 29th. I can hardly wait.

The Long Sacrifice has just paid Off


Good luck to everyone that is starting school! I start Monday(oh crap,this comming Monday!??!). I think I am going to puke now :barf01:

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