I'm so nervous!!!


I;'m ready to pursue a MSN, but I just don't know what field !!

I'm scared that if I choose the educator route, I won't be able to find a job because most colleges will prefer a PhD by the time I"m done. I'm scared that if I choose the NP route, the same thing, a PhD will be preferred!!

I know of a few universities that are no longer accepting applications for MSN at the moment because they are transferring their MSN programs (NP, CRNA, Education) to PhD programs

I'd do some extensive research for your state

Hey, hey, then go PA - no worries then!! (not all the way joking).


Specializes in Gerontology, nursing education.

What interests you? Do you see yourself in an advanced practice nursing role (e.g., nurse practitioner or CRNA), in administration, in education?

A PhD is a research-based degree. Many colleges and universities prefer PhD-prepared faculty but still hire instructors with their master's degrees. Some schools offer reduced tuition for faculty members who go on for additional education, so if you're interested in teaching but aren't ready to pursue a PhD, you could teach for a couple of years and then go back to school.

Many advanced practice MSN programs are transitioning to DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) degrees. The DNP is a practice-oriented degree as opposed to the research-oriented PhD. While some advanced practice nurses do obtain PhDs, mostly to teach or to conduct research, many are going for the DNP.

Some DNP programs require a previous master's degree in an advanced practice specialty (CNS, NP, CRNA, CNM) and others are BSN to DNP programs, bypassing the master's altogether. If you're interested in advanced practice, it might not be quite so daunting to do a BSN to DNP program.

Do please check out the Post-Graduate Student forum https://allnurses.com/post-graduate-nursing/ where you may find other posters with concerns and questions similar to yours.

Good luck in what you decide and try not to be nervous! :o

Specializes in LTC.

I plan to get my MSN in Informatics.

Computers are here to stay, and are becoming the way to chart.

I work in a very small, privately owned facility and we electronic document. (less than 80 residents)

Someone will need to know the way to successfully program and troubleshoot these systems. :nurse:

wow, thanks everyone for your words of wisdom. I have some soul searching to do for sure!! I do like the idea of bypassing the MSN and just getting a DNP. I also like the idea of infomatics!

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