I'm 42 and I'm new here !!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi Everyone,

I'm so glad I came by and read many of your entries. I am 42 years old and having been laid off from my job in Silicon Valley three years ago, I'm now enrolled in a community college - wrapping up my prereqs for the Nursing Program.

I can identify with starting new again, especially in my forties now. I thought that there was something wrong with during those first few semesters because I would sit in the parking lot before the first day of class and cry in my car. I was scared to death to go to my class. I'd grab my new binders and backpack and put on a pair of sunglasses as I ventured into the young people on campus, afraid of standing out. I have to say that all of my prereqs have been awesome. Public Speaking was often terrifying and I have some great stories to comfort anyone with stage fright -- you couldn't possibly blow it worse than me, but I got an A in the class all the same. I struggled through Anatomy and came away with a B, and now I'm freaking out in Physiology.

Next is Microbiology and that scares me. I sometimes envy the people in the pottery classes as I trudge by their rooms on my way to Physio.

I'm so glad to be here and I will be back often!!!!

:yeah: Hello!! I am 37 and It is so awesome to see people my age starting over like me. I have been hairdresser for 14 years and have always wanted to be an RN. I am finally taking the plunge! I start my pre reqs in July. I guess I should have taken my husbands adivce last year and started then, but I was being stubborn, and told him I was to old. Then, one day I just thought, I am going to do it. Next thing I knew I was down at the college paying for my classes. It feels so great to be doing something I have always wanted to do. I am scared to death, but my husband gives me my much needed support. I hope you all have a great support system too. Good luck, I look forward to hearing more great stories.


Specializes in OR Internship starting in Jan!!.

Science classes are killer! I'm going through a career change right now, too. It had been hard for me to get back into "college" mode after working in corporate America for so long.

Good luck with it, and I admire your preserverance! :)

Specializes in mental health.

Wow, Wendy...

What made you decide to become an RN from being a hairdresser for years? Just curious...


Hi Everyone,

I'm so glad I came by and read many of your entries. I am 42 years old and having been laid off from my job in Silicon Valley three years ago, I'm now enrolled in a community college - wrapping up my prereqs for the Nursing Program.

I can identify with starting new again, especially in my forties now. I thought that there was something wrong with during those first few semesters because I would sit in the parking lot before the first day of class and cry in my car. I was scared to death to go to my class. I'd grab my new binders and backpack and put on a pair of sunglasses as I ventured into the young people on campus, afraid of standing out. I have to say that all of my prereqs have been awesome. Public Speaking was often terrifying and I have some great stories to comfort anyone with stage fright -- you couldn't possibly blow it worse than me, but I got an A in the class all the same. I struggled through Anatomy and came away with a B, and now I'm freaking out in Physiology.

Next is Microbiology and that scares me. I sometimes envy the people in the pottery classes as I trudge by their rooms on my way to Physio.

I'm so glad to be here and I will be back often!!!!

I am right in there with ya. I will be 42 in July. I just started the pre-requisites myself, and so far, things are going well. I'll let you know though, lol, after I take Pharmacology this summer.

Hello to everyone, I will be 41 on May 3rd, I take my boards on May1st!!!!

This has been a long road for me, but I just want you all to know that it is a fascinating, rewarding and at times hectic but well worth it.

My time was very limited...I have children and adopted one in March and adopting two more in June....in the process of building a home....all this while trying to get through Nursing school.

Basically I just want to say that "You all can do it".....keep your chin up and the light will shine at the end of the tunnel very soon. You will be surprised how fast time will fly:uhoh3: :uhoh3:

Good luck to all of you "YOUNG FOLKS...Remember we have so much more wisdom and life experiences that will only add to our careers.:trout:

I'm 42 too and just starting my pre-reqs this fall!!!! I am kind of scared of A&P I, so I bought a used textbook to start studying before the class. I can hardly wait to become a nurse because it is a calling for me that came later in my life. Better late than never!!!! :monkeydance: Good luck to you!!!!

Specializes in HBO, Cardiac.

Hey Rine, I'm 40 yrs old and am changing careers as of next year, pending acceptance of course. I understand your nervous feelings as well as others who posted. I taught High School science for 15 years and am a little nervous about being the fallible student again. My wife is an R.N. and finally gave me the go-ahead to go back to school.

Good luck to you and keep those grades up

I was very happy to see this thread!

My name is Stephanie. I plan to start prereqs in Fall of '07. I will be 40 that semester.

We can do it!

:welcome: 42 i'm 41:lol2: and i'm just getting my pre's outta the way. i loved anatomy and physiology it was awesome.. im taking microbiology and psychology this summer to finish up the requirements b4 nursing starts for me this fall 2006 wowwww weeeee :) i can definatley relate to the crying stuff and the feeling of "do i belong here" i still have trouble believing i am actually going into the nursing classes in such a short time! i am very excited even so. thanks for your thoughts i feel a connection here .. thanks too, for all the replies posted here it helps me so very much..

gl to all :)


Specializes in Med/Surg <1; Epic Certified <1.

Good luck to everyone! I just turned 50 in December, lost my mother very unexpectedly in March, have my "baby" graduating from high school tonight, who's then going off to be camp counselor for the summer then off to college, and then I will quit my job from the last 6 years and start an RN program in the fall. I think I've got rocks in my head!!

But I have been steadily working toward this the past 2 1/2 years and it just seems to be falling in to place the way it was supposed to. Big believer in Fate and just trying to follow the signs as much as possible.

As for being an older student, I got over that while actually being on campus (I had 2 - 70 years old in an Honors Communications class one year), and reading the other posts about being an older student. Compared to some of the late 50's, and 60-somethings I've read about, I feel like a baby!! ;)

Specializes in surgical oncology.

Hi Rine!

I am 45 and starting a new career also. I need to have my head examined, but one thing I have found so far, I am at the age where I appreciate this opportunity to go back to school and do something I have always wanted to do. You are never too old, age is a state of mind and you will discover, as I did, that the younger students will respect and aid you along the way. Welcome, and good luck. I have all my pre-reqs out of the way and am applying with a 4.0. I am taking micro this summer and am very nervous about that. I will be taking A&P II in the fall. I am scheduled to take the NET the end of this month and will be applying for nursing school in August. Good luck to all, hope to hear from you.


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