I'm 42 and I'm new here !!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi Everyone,

I'm so glad I came by and read many of your entries. I am 42 years old and having been laid off from my job in Silicon Valley three years ago, I'm now enrolled in a community college - wrapping up my prereqs for the Nursing Program.

I can identify with starting new again, especially in my forties now. I thought that there was something wrong with during those first few semesters because I would sit in the parking lot before the first day of class and cry in my car. I was scared to death to go to my class. I'd grab my new binders and backpack and put on a pair of sunglasses as I ventured into the young people on campus, afraid of standing out. I have to say that all of my prereqs have been awesome. Public Speaking was often terrifying and I have some great stories to comfort anyone with stage fright -- you couldn't possibly blow it worse than me, but I got an A in the class all the same. I struggled through Anatomy and came away with a B, and now I'm freaking out in Physiology.

Next is Microbiology and that scares me. I sometimes envy the people in the pottery classes as I trudge by their rooms on my way to Physio.

I'm so glad to be here and I will be back often!!!!

I am in the same boat, English is also my second language....In many instances I did better than the "natives" .....you can do it!

Good luck!

What's your native country?

What's your native country?

Germany :beer: :D


Welcome! I am 39 years old and a second year ASN student. I understand the feeling. I started a summer externship and only 3 out of 33 of us were over 25. I have found though that the younger nurses were good kids and had no trouble after a short time "fitting in". Keep on trudging, it does get better!!!!!!!!


Germany :beer: :D

eheheheh great!!

Nice to talk to you!

I also am in my fourties and went back to school recently. Your feelings of anxiety are all too commen. I felt sooo old and afraid that everyone would be staring at me and every question would be dumb. The one thing I remember that I can share with you is this... Going back to school now was the best experience. Back in my younger days, guys would talk to you mostly if they were hitting on you and girls were clicky etc. Now you are the "safe" one any everyone wants to be your friend. Being in school now at your age puts you into a whole different class with different expectations. Of course you will not get this treatment from everyone but overall you will be pleased. I still get a chuckle as I am leaving a room and some young student is in front of me and looks back and actually holds the door for me. Good luck you will be great.

I had to smile at this .... "with anticipation I await the nursing class to start" :mad:

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