Im in HPRP in Michigan. Can the BON still take away my license

Nurses Recovery


I currently had a substance abuse issue back in November of 2017. I went through all hoops, went to a recovery program, seeing therapist, NA groups excetera. I'm currently working with HPRP the nurse abuse program for Michigan and I was just let go at work today because it's per policy. They told me they still have to report this to the boards. Can and will the BON take my license away even though I'm working with HPRP? Please help! I'm really worried about this. HPRP told me I can start looking for jobs but I'm worried about the BON

Specializes in OR.

That's the thing. You need to ensure that the board leaves you the heck alone because you are already in HPRP. HPRP has no interest in telling them for you. If you get ANY paperwork from the board you need to respond to it. DO NOT sign anything without either speaking with an attorney or having it in writing that the BON is aware that you are in HPRP and compliant and that no further action will be taken against you...or something to that effect.

The threat to report you to the board may be empty. Some employers are content to just tell you to report to your states program and leave it at that. Others (mine) will nail you to the wall. However you cannot risk it.

One thing I will say is if you get any calls From any investigator with the BON or the state DO NOT speak with them. I don't care what they say, anything you say will not be in your favor. When I was dumb enough to speak with the person that called me....I said I self reported and was under contract already (like your situation). I was told "keep doing what you are doing, and you'll never hear from us again." Riiiigghhhttt. 18 months later...I was fighting a license spite of total compliance.....

Those license defense law firms that all advertise "call us before speaking with any BON or whatever." There's a reason for that. To be perfectly honest...if you can afford to have an attorney on the back it. It makes life so much less stressful. The programs, I think tend to not mess with you when they know you are apt to whip out the lawyer card easily. This, of course is provided you are fully compliant on your end.

Thank you so much for all your info! I do have a reach out to the law firm that is pursuing the class action from them. I believe it's chapman law group but the are 20 min from me. They have a free consultation so I'll ask them what I should do in the event they do call me. Hope their not too expensive.

Do you also recommend I try reaching out to the job that terminated me and see if they can not send me to the BON or just leave it be?

I don't know... I'm not sure I'd use the law group that has a class action lawsuit against them if going to a hearing. When I had my hearing, I used a lawyer who knew the BON prosecutor and who used to be a prosecutor for the BON himself. It went well. Don't people in general try to use lawyers who know the judge and are friendly with the judge? I could be totally wrong here. Are there any nurse recovery groups in your state who can advise you on which lawyers to use?

Cat suggested to go with the ones that are doing the lawsuit.

Yeah I know... I'm not an expert by all means and I could be wrong. If it were me I would think about that more and try to reach out to others in my state to see who they used. I'm not convinced the BON would be intimidated by using this particular law firm and give you a break or a deal. I would be afraid it would make them angry. I could be wrong though. Free advise never hurts though, if they have a free consultation.

Do u think I should call my previous job and see if they can not send me to the BON or no?

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Do not contact your employer. American Association of Nurse Attorneys may be able to assist you in seeking council.

Specializes in OR.

X2 on NSKaren's advice.

That class action lawsuit is against HPRP, not the BON. You will be dealing with the BON if/when this goes any further.

Can it be possible that my previous job reports me but nothing happens with the BON?

I do have my monitoring aggreement for HPRP but haven't gotten it signed yet. Should I wait for an attorney or am I ok to get it signed?

Getting an attorney to look at a signed contract is not as useful as getting one to look at it before you sign it I would think

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