I'm glad I have this forum...

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


because right now im so upset and you guys all would know how i feel better than anyone.

I applied to two schools..havent heard from one of them yet, but got a letter today from the second one, saying my application wouldnt be considered due to it not being completely submitted by the deadline.

I had asked my boss to fill out one of my reference forms. Turns out she never got it in on time. She feels awful about it..but now my chances with that school (which was my fall-back school) are gone because of that one error.

:sniff: just need some hugs... :sniff:

MAn oh man! Im surprised you didnt wring her neck!

Did you check the other school whether they got everything???

That is the most MESSED-UP thing I've heard in a long time. Unfortunately, these are the things that can happen when others are put in the situation to control your future. Very sorry!

How awful. Your boss messed up big time. I wonder if she subconsciously didn't want to lose you. Big hugs. I hope you get into your first choice school. Keep your chin up. Maybe your boss will be willing to write to the school and plead your case?

What field are you working in now that you needed a recommendation letter from your boss?

I would call back and talk with the nursing department..you should have been TOLD that the recommendation letter wasn't in yet and given an opportunity to correct the situation. If the school is requesting that all recommendation letters be sent in to them directly...then that takes the application process out of your control and an exception is in order!

Oh....I almost forgot...I would be looking for another job if my boss did that to me on something that was so incredibly important.

:icon_hug: and more hugs...

I agree with calling! It can't hurt, right? I would be soooo sad if this happened to me....and angry, too.:angryfire

Man that sucks , Just keep on them and don't give up. Hang in there tomorrow is another day. Just Breathe.

Best Wishes

thanks you guys for your support! im going to call the nursing dept tomorrow (figures i got my letter on a saturday..the cowards! lol) and i'll let you guys know what they say..

I hope it will be good news. That is ashame what happened to you. Good luck.

thanks you guys for your support! im going to call the nursing dept tomorrow (figures i got my letter on a saturday..the cowards! lol) and i'll let you guys know what they say..

Oh man. You're doing the right thing by calling. That is just crazy!

hey guys,

I called and spoke with an admissions rep. Unfortunately (as we all know VERY well) the nursing admissions process is so competitive that they have to stick to the rules. On top of all this, my boyfriend and i decided to take a break from each to think about what we really want with our future.

Emotional week? Yeah i think so!!

Still got my fingers crossed for all of you who are waiting for that letter! Best of luck.

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