I have a month and a half left of my LPN, then I start the RN this summer. Almost there, even despite that my ex husband died unexpectedly and my kids are still going through that turmoil.
Well it gets worse. My husband of 3 years told me Thursday night that he wants a divorce. He up and left. I'm here in this house. NO money (our agreement was for me to focus on school, then when I'm done he wanted to quit his job that he hates and do something else). All this time I've been working so hard for our family (he has 2 boys and I have 3 children, too). All this work, to now get this blow to my stomach.
I don't know what to do. I don't even know if he'll make the house payment or not? I don't know how I'm supposed to go to school tomorrow (I have a test, and every time I sit down to study I cry).
I have had maybe 3-400 caloric intake (with FORCING myself) to eat--stomach is just in knots. I feel so betrayed. I'm so afraid. I don't have a penny to my name to move out on my own, plus try to work and get through school full time and clinicals.
Why now.........I know this is such a "poor me" post, but I am just so hurt that words couldn't even explain it. I want to just hide, cry.
My mom and friend told me I need to "buck up" and get through this, but my buck up is laying in fetal postion on the pasture right now..........
Please help with any words of advice or support you might have for me. I so need support.....
Thank you so much
Many hugs