Published Oct 10, 2014
Xaldin4life RN
141 Posts
People keep saying that kaplan questions helpd for the NCLEX, but Ive also heard that they rarely used the dcision tree for the NCLEX..ive also taken the NCLEX before and didnt feel like the decision tree helped for the it because the questions are more straight forward on the NCLEX or am I missing something. Im gonna be taking the exam very soon, but Im not sure if the tree method is useful.
I recntly did Question trainer 6 (and got 68%)and noticed that I couldnt really apply the decision tree to most of the questions, most of it was content based...
311 Posts
I don't find it that helpful - it doesn't take the place of knowing content and interventions.
115 Posts
I honestly didn't give the decision tree a chance the first few times I took the nclex. Yes it doesnt replace knowing your content but after you know your content and need help deciding which answrr is best, because youre always going to be stuck between 2 or more answers, the decision tree really helps you eliminate most of those answers. It took me awhile, my 5th time to realize that i needed the decision tree. I would get every low/mid level qs (content based qs) right. But when I was at the higher level (not really content based but critical thinking based qs), I was completely bombing and getting all them wrong. I crammed content forever until I realized that I needed to learn how to critically think and how to eliminate the wrong answers.
I say give the decision tree a try. You need it to stay at that high passing level. Thats the only way to pass the test to be above that line. Content of course is the foundation behind every qs, but you need to take that extra step and know how to think like a nurse. If it helps, I did my kaplan online through a live stream and felt that it was great bcos no one was afraid to ask qs.
Good luck! Hope all works out for you!
Thank you all for the reply. I was wondering this because peopole keep saying that the Q trainers 6 and 7 were similar to NCLEX and were higher thinking questions(aplication and adaptation) but after taking QT 6, i noticed that I could only answer the questions based on content and decision tree did not apply..
I mean keep trying! Try to do hard level questions. I know the LaCharity prioritization delegation book helped me a lot! And i just kept doing those questions using the tree and I personally felt it helped. I mean if it doesnt work for you or you're over it and want to try a different approach by all means do whats best for you. As long as you get there. There is light at the end of the tunnel my friend :)