Il. Special Ed Medical Review Training course


I am scheduled to be in the next group of 90 RNs to take this 6 week online course Jan 15, 2015. I believe it is required for all Il. school nurses who are not certified by July 2016. The information I just received indicates that it will take 10-20 hours/week of studying along with being graded on what you add to the discussion board weekly. Is there anyone who has been thru it already who can tell me how difficult this course is and how much time it took you?

I have not heard of this. I am also in IL. Could you post a link to more information about it being mandatory?

Specializes in Community Health/School Nursing.

I hope it comes with a pay raise!

Google Rule 226.160 Medical Review. Portions of the rule took effect Oct 2013 and portions will take effect July 1, 2016. After that time, only certified school nurses or those who have taken the course and hold a BS degree in nursing, education or related field can conduct the student evaluation component of the medical review and assist in planning, implementing and evaluating the IEP that a student's special ed team may create as required by ISBE rule.

Google Rule 226.160 Medical Review. Portions of the rule took effect Oct 2013 and portions will take effect July 1, 2016. After that time, only certified school nurses or those who have taken the course and hold a BS degree in nursing, education or related field can conduct the student evaluation component of the medical review and assist in planning, implementing and evaluating the IEP that a student's special ed team may create as required by ISBE rule.

Thanks! So it sounds like this applies to certified school nurses, which I am not. So I have been told that if I am at IEP meetings, I cannot sign on the School Nurse line on the form, I have to sign as "Other"

Chicagoland school nurse here! I took it over the summer. I worked summer school, and didn't have any kids come down, so thats when I did my assignments. All the information is available in the power points for the weekly tests, and you can take the weekly test a total of 2 times. The weekly discussions were kind of annoying, just because it's a lot of busy work. The assignments were also long. My teacher was awesome, as long as you submitted everything on time, she would give you all the points. Some of my coworkers had an instructor that was a little more stricter with the assignments though.

If you have any more questions, let me know!

This is a state requirement for non-certified school nurses. Please look into it so you are state compliant before time runs out!

I am signed up to go to the 3 day workshop to become hearing certified during that time period also so I hope it is not too much. I assume the weekly test is online. Is it a timed test? Perhaps you could let me know what the assignments are so that I could start early.

Yes, everything is done online. There were 1 to 2 tests per week if I recall correctly. They were very easy- straight out of the powerpoints. They were not timed and you could save the test and re-enter it at a later time before you submitted it. There were also multiple assignments which was a lot of IEP medical review paperwork, but I don't remember what all the assignments entail off the top of my head- it's been a few months since I've completed the class.

One more question. You have been so helpful. The book is expensive-$75- do I really need it for the class or are the powerpoints enough?

I borrowed the book from my coworker who bought it used. I only used it once. If you feel like you will need the book, definitely buy a used older edition.

Do you get some type of certificate afterwards saying you took this special class?

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