IDK what I am doing L&D


Graduated school December 2016 and I have no medical experience. My goal was to become a labor and delivery nurse. So when I got hired into L&D new grad program I was beyond happy. Flash forward 4 months later and I am crying in my car, listening to 2000's era emo music while stuffing chips in my mouth. All of this has me wondering. WHAT IS NURSNG?

So supper short story: back injury at work, MD not using gloves for lady partsl exams, unnecessary c/s (>39 wk.), show down with the clinical coordinator and IT'S NOT EVEN A NEW GRAD PROGRAM.

I love the patients, the babies and the process, but feel like my license is in jeopardy staying here. It just has me questioning is L&D what I want to do? Am I tuff enough for L&D?

Just need to vent to other fellow nurses.

Is anyone else out there feeling the same?

You personally witnessed a physician not using a glove for a lady partsl exam? Also, how do you know it was an unnecessary csection? Why do you feel your particular license is in jeopardy? That's thrown around a lot in here for no reason. Unless you are negligent personally or are coming to work under the influence you are not going to lose your license.

You are new. The first year is the hardest. There is a ton to learn. It's overwhelming. But I think before I was having showdowns with higher ups and saying unnecessary csection when you are not the doc, I'd keep my head down and learn the job. There is so very much to learn.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

NO GLOVES for a lady partsl exam? As in, BARE HANDS? Are you certain? That's a huge accusation.

I think you capsed the wrong part. Who cares if it's a new grad program or not. But no gloves--say what??

Specializes in ER.

I see issues that would get other people in trouble but not you. Talk to your manager or preceptor before you confront/write someone up. You are new to the unit and the specialty, you need to gain some credibility with your peers, even if you are right.

Unnecessary C section- not your call, its the doc who will take the heat for that one. A lot of Csections are unnecessary, or done for convenience, don't get excited about them as a rule.

Doc not using gloves- EW!! If he doesn't have a wound on his fingers, he wont transmit infections to the patient, but he's risking them for himself. Did he wash his hands at least? The ew factor puts it close to a sexual assault in my book. If it was a one time mistake, I'd leave it alone. If it happens again, I'd put in a written report and let the nurse manager decide what she wants to do.

Your license is not at risk, IMO, but maybe you would be happier at a birthing center with low interventions. Just ride it out and see what happens.

I am not an LD nurse, but isn't there supposed to be a cap on how often vag exams are even performed once the water breaks due to risk of infection? And the Doc is using an ungloved hand?

Specializes in ER.
I am not an LD nurse, but isn't there supposed to be a cap on how often vag exams are even performed once the water breaks due to risk of infection? And the Doc is using an ungloved hand?

Good point!

I will be speaking to my manager this Monday everyone helped me put things in to perspective and I have a better idea of what I will be saying.

I will be speaking to my manager this Monday everyone helped me put things in to perspective and I have a better idea of what I will be saying.

What will you say?

Specializes in Reproductive & Public Health.

You saw a doctor put his bare hands on a woman's genitals? That is sexual assault. If you witnessed something like i would say you are obligated to report it.

I filled incident reports for all the things I witnessed and had other witnesses do the same It's up to the investors to figure out what they going to do. The culture at that hospital was not something I wanted to be part of I decided to take another job. I am happy. If L&D is meant for me then I will find my way back to it.

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