I Wish I was a Real Nurse not a LPN

Nurses General Nursing


:bluecry1::bluecry1::bluecry1::bluecry1::cry::(I am a LPN I worked in a Nursing home for several years. I have been transfered to a hospital unit which is a lateral move so the hospital did not have to hire new RN which make a lot more money and obviously arner more respect. I have been looked down on at the hospital because I am a LPN a little Pretend Nurse not a RN "Real Nurse" as the saying goes. The Nurses and Grad Nurse Techs treat me like I am a joke. The Doctors will talk over me give me petty jobs and even allow the Grad Nurse techs to do things I can't because they need experience for their RN. I feel like I made a big mistake getting a LPN. I watch the RNs and I can see why they are Real Nurses, In school we only learn the basics the first year of real nursing school, I have considered becoming a RN real nurse, but the school I recieved my LPN is this money hungry school (St.Louis Colege of Health Careers in Fenton Mo) is not considered a real school nothing transfers to real Nursing schools the school is a degree mill I kow half the people I graduated with had a job in a nursing home already a got a little raise and the others could not get placed at all. I am so discusted and I am tired of hearing if your a LPN your a Nurse. No I feel like a second place Nurse I even get scoffs from patients. I guess my question is this. What is the reason for LPN's NOONE respects us a nurses. I am always asked why didn't you become a real Nurse? I want to be a Rn but I do not have the money or the smarts I guess I barely passed the boards to be a LPN Much less a RN!!! Help!!!


Specializes in Med/Surg.

I want you to read this speech, and refer back to it whenever you're having a particularly bad shift: It's helped me to gain a lot of confidence in myself. Maybe it'll help you too, or at least I hope it will. :wink2:

Our Deepest Fear

by Marianne Williamson

from A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Specializes in Telemetry/Med-Surg.

I am an RN and I think it is offensive how you are being treated as well as how you are viewing yourself. The hospital I work in still employs LPN's and I would say 2 of the best nurses on the tele floor which I work are LPN's. They are knowlegable, well respected and have assessment skills I hope to have one day. Even if you are not able to go for your RN at this point you could still self study and gain knowledge in the area you are working in. Gaining confidence in yourself will make others have more respect for you. I hope you see your worth as a nurse because when you do others will too.:nurse:

Specializes in LTC, AL, Corrections, Home health.

No I am not going to change my message; I do recognize that the scope of practice, the things we are allowed to do, is different. I was simply stating that in some types of environments including some ltc facilities LPNs and RNs can have the same job title/discription; those extra few things included in the scope of practice of an RN but not LPN such as administer blood, which we don't do at my facility and that is about it.... all I can think of any way. I can give injections, do admit/discharges and initial assessments, start IVs, take and transcribe physicians orders, administer medication, assist in making of care plan and document nursing care. The RNs that work in the same role as me (our title is the same, charge nurse) we literally do the same job, though I know that is not true all places. And LPNs and RNs are not like totally different species they are totaly related and over lapping this is why 1+1 programs are allowed to exist, in which one in an adn program can take their lpn boards after 2 or so semesters into there RN program.

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.
I am an RN and I think it is offensive how you are being treated as well as how you are viewing yourself. The hospital I work in still employs LPN's and I would say 2 of the best nurses on the tele floor which I work are LPN's. They are knowlegable, well respected and have assessment skills I hope to have one day. Even if you are not able to go for your RN at this point you could still self study and gain knowledge in the area you are working in. Gaining confidence in yourself will make others have more respect for you. I hope you see your worth as a nurse because when you do others will too.:nurse:

I have to agree with this...it is offensive. I thought about this thread all the way home from my job. Confidence has to be built from within. There is a Patient Care Associate I work with that is phenomenal! Even the doctors almost bow to this woman because she is proficient and professional in her work ethic. She is a strong team player and is abundant in confidence without being arrogant. She told me a few months back that she does not wish to go further in school because "God wants me here". Of course, we would all applaud and support her should she change her mind, but she has all that she needs...health, a wonderful family, love, respect in the social, family and workplace and again...confidence.

The scopes of practice may be different for all of us, but the beam of light comes from within the individual. It will draw the moths of every discipline in that circle.

Specializes in Med/Surg.
I have to agree with this...it is offensive. I thought about this thread all the way home from my job. Confidence has to be built from within. There is a Patient Care Associate I work with that is phenomenal! Even the doctors almost bow to this woman because she is proficient and professional in her work ethic. She is a strong team player and is abundance in confidence without being arrogant. She told me a few months back that she does not wish to go further in school because "God wants me here". Of course, we would all applaud and support her should she change her mind, but she has all that she needs...health, a wonderful family, love, respect in the social, family and workplace and again...confidence.

The scopes of practice may be different for all of us, but the beam of light comes from within the individual. It will draw the moths of every discipline in that circle.


I couldn't have said it better myself.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

The person who started this thread has only made one post on these forums, ever. Let's not add fuel to the fire by legitimizing what might be trumped-up concerns from a one-time poster who might very well be engaging in trollish behavior.

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