Published Dec 2, 2005
Law of Fives
85 Posts
During my shift at the hospital I work at, I was talking to several nurses who know I'm an Excelsior student. This is a unit I very much want to work in when i graduate. To make a long story short, the charge nurse walks up in the middle of the convo, and asks about the program. She asked, "what about clinicals?". When I explained how the program worked, she replied "Well I hope they don't hire you for this unit, I don't see how that sort of program can produce a competent nurse." Ouch! I know she doesn't do the hiring, and when the person that does do the hiring sees my qualifications, I'll be hired on the spot. I also knew this sort of discrimination exists, but had never experienced it first hand. Very disheartening.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,695 Posts
Ouch..............just shake it off. Good luck.
115 Posts
I suppose if I had to spend countless hours with some nasty clinical coordintator standing over me, making me feel stupid, while at the same time only instructing and never really having a true final clinical evaluation, I would think that this program was bunk also. But it is merely ignorance. It's obviously been approved the BON in your state.
Blow it off and you will overcome there nonsense. There is similar "smack talk" between a few of the local nursing programs. One nurse manager was actually recently reprimanded by the administration because she was passing over people only because they graduated from a nursing program she didn't like.
People are petty and ridiculous, but we will all be RN's in spite of them
3,905 Posts
I suppose if I had to spend countless hours with some nasty clinical coordintator standing over me, making me feel stupid, while at the same time only instructing and never really having a true final clinical evaluation, I would think that this program was bunk also. But it is merely ignorance.
You're not going to make EC look any better by knocking traditional programs. And what you're saying is totally inaccurate.
Out of a dozen or so clinical instructors I've only had a problem with one, and I've was able to straighten it out immediately after I talked to her. The vast majority of clinical instructors don't make you feel "stupid." Most of them are very knowledgeable and teach their specialties very well. I can't say enough good things about the clinical instructor I have right now.
And we do have "true final clinical evaluations" at the end of each semester ... it's actually a final clinical exam. The school doesn't just rely on check offs. With these final exams we have to demontrate key clinical skills we learned during semester. If you don't pass these clinical exams, you don't go on to the next semester. It's actually very similar to the CPNE, and we have to pass four of them to graduate.
I'm not trying to knock EC here ... or say that one is better than the other ... but let's not bash traditional programs because, it's just not fair or accurate.
852 Posts
Hey Kid,
The Medical Profession is like a human body and,as you know from your Anatomy lessons every human body has a vent to get rid of its waste..You just met one.
If you go on in this crazy profession your going to get worse insults than this idiot's comment. Most of us older nurses like to see young nurses. It means their will be someone to carry on after old nurses finnally go crakers. But remenber this that the school gives you the basics You start to learn what it is all about after you get your first job then the fun begins
Hello everyone,
I hear what you are all saying. I'm no noob. Been in the field for almost 16 years at one level or another, and you're right, there are far worse insults to be experienced. That being said, the reason for my surprise was due more to the 'who' than the 'what'. I never expected it from this particular person. I guess it goes to show, never let your guard down. I guess on some level what she said kind of hurt. But, oh well! I fired back with: "Ya, I guess it would piss me off too if someone achieved something in a mere 8 months what took you almost 4 years to achieve!" LOL...childish, but retribution nonetheless!
DutchgirlRN, ASN, RN
3,932 Posts
I graduated from EC four years ago. When I got my job no one asked me where I went to school they were only concerned with a valid license. Since working over the past 4 years I've been asked occasionally where I went to school and I've never heard a single negative comment about EC. I wouldn't be concerned over an ignorant comment.
1 Post
learn to nip comments like that in the bud. dont be timid, theyre are too many that eat their young in this profession. school merely prepares u for the experience you'll gain in the field. no one is born super nurse.
"Ya, I guess it would piss me off too if someone achieved something in a mere 8 months what took you almost 4 years to achieve!" LOL...childish, but retribution nonetheless!
Not just childish but insulting as well. Not to mention ... totally inaccurate once again. EC grads achieve more faster than traditional grads ... that is ridiculous.
It's not like traditional programs allow you to go any faster in the program. You're on their schedule ... that's how it works. It takes four years to get the degree because that's the only way traditional nursing schools allow you to get the degree. Even with pre-reqs to get into nursing school, you have to take courses in a certain order and it takes a lot of time because that's the requirement.
Maybe putting down traditional grads makes you guys feel better ... but quite frankly, it's lame. And you wonder why people don't always think so highly of EC.
What do you expect? Even EC grads have stated time and again in this forum that the college hasn't done enough to address these concerns. Afterall, there's been plenty of threads discussing how BON's are examining and/or changing their criteria regarding EC. And you're surprized that a charge nurse would share these same concerns? That's not discrimination ... it's a legitimate issue.
Perhaps when you read these post you should not jump to the conclusion that we are all insulting the traditional programs. THAT is not accurate either.
I have personally seen and heard of many a nursing preceptor that was all to happy to "eat her young". There are not all like this, I was merely suggesting that this happens and perhaps it happened to this woman so she is sore that someone else could achieve the same result, yes in less time, without having to endure this suffering.
How many traditional nursing students do you know of that finished there LPN to RN program in less than a year. There are numerous EC grads that have done just that.
EC continues to persevere. I will be glad to be an EC grad in March. I don't put down people for where they got there credentials only how they use them.
Not just childish but insulting as well. Not to mention ... totally inaccurate once again. EC grads achieve more faster than traditional grads ... that is ridiculous.It's not like traditional programs allow you to go any faster in the program. You're on their schedule ... that's how it works. It takes four years to get the degree because that's the only way traditional nursing schools allow you to get the degree. Even with pre-reqs to get into nursing school, you have to take courses in a certain order and it takes a lot of time because that's the requirement.Maybe putting down traditional grads makes you guys feel better ... but quite frankly, it's lame. And you wonder why people don't always think so highly of EC. What do you expect? Even EC grads have stated time and again in this forum that the college hasn't done enough to address these concerns. Afterall, there's been plenty of threads discussing how BON's are examining and/or changing their criteria regarding EC. And you're surprized that a charge nurse would share these same concerns? That's not discrimination ... it's a legitimate issue.
Since when is that bragging rights? If the LVN's in my program got to skip all of the clinical hours, they'd be able to finish in less than a year too. But then the state boards and employers would be questioning your credentials because you took a short cut.
Why is that so great? Colorado has now imposed 350 clinical hours for LVN's and 750 clinical hours for non-LVN's. I'm sure those people won't be completing in the program in less than year. If they do, they may have to move out of their own home state and practice somewhere else for a year or two. Not an ideal scenario if you live in Colorado and have family there.
This is the fourth state BON to revise their criteria regarding EC in the last three years. That's not exactly a ringing endorsement.
Not to mention ... totally inaccurate once again. EC grads achieve more faster than traditional grads ... that is ridiculous.
Not just childish but insulting as well.
It's not like traditional programs allow you to go any faster in the program. You're on their schedule ... that's how it works.
Even with pre-reqs to get into nursing school, you have to take courses in a certain order and it takes a lot of time because that's the requirement.
Maybe putting down traditional grads makes you guys feel better
but quite frankly, it's lame.
it's a legitimate issue.