Published Jul 10, 2019
5 Posts
Hello everyone,
I took my NCLEX yesterday and it shut off at 160 questions. I'm freaking out because I think I failed and I'm already looking for a new review course to study again ?. Do most people fail when the NCLEX shuts off at 160ish questions? I'm freaking out and my anxiety is killing me.
Thank you
ThatChickOmi, ADN, RN
245 Posts
Not necessarily. Me and a bunch of my nursing school classmates got our results today and we all passed. One of them got all 265 questions. So, no. You don't truly know until you get your results.
Oh ok. I’m glad to hear that. Hopefully I will pass too!
4,161 Posts
People pass/fail between 75-265. There is no question threshold that people typically fail.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Moved to NCLEX forum