I am SO excited and proud!


Specializes in Nursing Instructor.

OK so I LOVE wound care. I have been working with our Wound care nurse since the day I started 6 months ago. I really really love it. A few days ago she tells me that I am her number one wound care advocate on my unit. I was pretty flattered and proud of myself for that. So today she calls me into the conference room and tells me that she went to the DON about me and invited me to become an official member of the wound care team. Basically be her assistant. I was SO excited and proud and my husband just does not quite get it lol. He does not want to hear about the guy whose stomach wound I was three knuckles deep into today.... I guess you have to be a nurse for that lol.... Anyway I was dying to share my news with people who would understand how great it is. I am now just biding my time to have to two years experience to take the certification class.

Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.
ok so i love wound care. i have been working with our wound care nurse since the day i started 6 months ago. i really really love it. a few days ago she tells me that i am her number one wound care advocate on my unit. i was pretty flattered and proud of myself for that. so today she calls me into the conference room and tells me that she went to the don about me and invited me to become an official member of the wound care team. basically be her assistant. i was so excited and proud and my husband just does not quite get it lol. he does not want to hear about the guy whose stomach wound i was three knuckles deep into today.... i guess you have to be a nurse for that lol.... anyway i was dying to share my news with people who would understand how great it is. i am now just biding my time to have to two years experience to take the certification class.

awesome !!! :balloons:

good for you !!!! i love to hear it when ppl are really, really excited and into their chosen field.

i'm proud for you !!!! congrats !!!! and keep up the good work ! :)

CONGRATULATIONS!! You have every right to be proud!! What an awesome thing to be offered this position. You said you truly love your job, so this sounds like an amazing opportunity! You have clearly left a good impression on your boss for her to go to the DON like she did. You have to be an amazing, smart, caring, and professional nurse. Sounds like your boss picked the very best. Again, congratulations!

I shadowed a wound care nurse as part of an RN refresher course. It is definitely NOT my niche. But, that makes me all the more grateful and appreciative that there are folks like you out there.

I'm vicariously proud of you. Way to go.

well, I have no idea how "great" wound care is, but I congratulate you on being able to practice your passion. You can be my nurse, should the need arise!!!

Cool beans for you :)

It is a lifestyle of sorts too. I found myself thinking of all the treatments, procedures etc and their stages of repair etc all the time. My wife would ask me "where I was" because I was staring off into the distance sometimes. I would smile and say, all was ok.

But you will find yourself enjoying the specialty and you will own your results. Your patients will also benefit from one who cares about the work more that one who just was assigned to the work!

Specializes in LTC.


I can so totally relate. For a whole month (lol) I had a treatment nurse position. There is something SO SATISFYING in seeing your measurements go down week after week and knowing that you are the one responsible. Unfortunately, corporate idiots decided they did not want to pay for an additional treatment nurse so I was cut. It made me sad, knowing that those wounds that I was dedicated to healing are probably going to stay the same or even get worse because the charge nurses just can't make time to properly treat them.

I'm so happy for you that you are with a company that appreciates the value of having a wound specialist. :)

I was SO excited and proud and my husband just does not quite get it lol. He does not want to hear about the guy whose stomach wound I was three knuckles deep into today.... I guess you have to be a nurse for that lol....

No, you have to be a wound care nurse for that! LOL.

Congratulations on your success - you should indeed be proud of yourself and your accomplishments, and I think it's awesome that you've found your niche.


Specializes in everywhere.

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Every time that our wound/ostomy nurse comes to the floor, she always asks me if I'm ready. She knows that I'll be in there anyway. I love wound care, so I know how proud you are.


You should be proud! Wound care was never on my radar screen. (I haven't worked a floor for many years)UNTIL I needed wound care. My home health nurse (and I never appreciated them till this happened) is a certified wound care specialist. I can't see the depth but it's really a joy to see her pleasure when the surgeon says "This looks really good." At first I laughed because it was just terribly gross to me. But I've come to appreciate the excellent care she gives and know while the scar will be pretty gross, too, it will be healed. We've got a whole new respect for wound care and home health care.

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