I have a severe case of test anxiety


It's not just a little bit but to the point where I am experiencing severe symptoms, heart racing, hotflashes :angryfire , restlessness, and I know that I won't be able to sleep well tonight. It drives me crazy and I don't seem to be able to find anything that would give me any relief. I already went to the gym and do deep breathing exercises. There is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I just want to take my test and get it over with!!!!!! I remember once during a typing test I left actual puddles of sweat on the keys.... :uhoh3: Maybe someone just needs to club me over the head and knock me unconscious until tomorrow morning :lol_hitti .

hhhhhHHHHHeeeellllpppp, meeeee pleeeeaaaasssseeee......????!!!! :crying2:

Specializes in Operating Room.

I really don't have words of wisdom to help you, I just wanted to say good luck!! :)

Make sure you eat a good breakfast, and go in prepared to make a good grade.

Just do your best, read the questions well, and you should be fine.

Is this the first exam for this class? I find that the first one is always the one where I am really nervous. After you know how an instructor tests, and grades, then gear your studying that way.

Again, good luck!

I really don't have words of wisdom to help you, I just wanted to say good luck!! :)

Make sure you eat a good breakfast, and go in prepared to make a good grade.

Just do your best, read the questions well, and you should be fine.

Is this the first exam for this class? I find that the first one is always the one where I am really nervous. After you know how an instructor tests, and grades, then gear your studying that way.

Again, good luck!

Thank you....you always have such good advice. Yes, it is my first test in this class. You are right, the first test is always the most nerve wrecking because we just don't know how he words his questions and how deep he gets into things. I will give it my very best! I studied hard and I hope that I know enough. :)

I hyperventilated my way through the beginning of each section of the nursing enterance exam. That was horrible.

If I could do it over again, I would not have drank a caffeinated drink beforehand. My jitters were horrible and I believe exasperated by the caffeine. Also, I would have tried harder not to overbook the day. I was rushing from one thing to the next with no down time to relax and I had booked my daughter's b-day party for after the exam. So by the time I arrived at the test, I was wound up and stressed out anyway.

So try to take it easy and eat healthy. Drink Tension Tamer tea (by celstial seasonings). It helps. I'm always drinking that stuff.

Good luck!!

Specializes in ante/postpartum, baby RN.
Drink Tension Tamer tea (by celstial seasonings). It helps. I'm always drinking that stuff.

Or try any other tea with chamomile.


Specializes in Operating Room.

...or be prepared to have a Long Island Ice Tea or Texas Tea afterwards, & your nerves will be calmed for your AFTER-TESTING "wanna-know-your-grade" anxiety! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

lol....I'm sure you'll do well. Good luck. :)

Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/ER.

Been there, done that! I know exactly what you are going through. I toughed it out through my pre-reqs & 1 1/2 semester of Nsg. school & I said enough! I tried everything exercise/breathing ect. nothing worked & I did not sleep the night before a test either. I would be so wired up I could not think & I knew the stuff! I went to the doctor & am taking Paxil & it's wonderful. I can sleep now & I do not freak ou before/during/after a test. I had never taken anything & have been through some pretty tough stuff & I could always handle it. I thought I could conquer test anxiety by sheer will power but I couldn't. I could just kick myself for waiting sooo long before asking for help. I am not saying you should go on anti-anxiety drugs just letting you know you are not alone & this is what it took for me. Good Luck! :)

Taking tests is not what bothers me (much), its waiting to find out my grade that gets me all freaked out. None of my teachers post grades so it can be days before I know anything.

Good luck with your test, I'm sure you will be fine. Take a few deep breaths every now and then, it helps. Also try eating a VERY strong mint. That seems to be what a lot of students do to calm them down while they take their tests.

...or be prepared to have a Long Island Ice Tea or Texas Tea afterwards, & your nerves will be calmed for your AFTER-TESTING "wanna-know-your-grade" anxiety! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

lol....I'm sure you'll do well. Good luck. :)

:beer: I have my labtest on Thursday, so on Thursday evening I'll fix me two of those, one for each test. :rotfl:

I't s morning and I am getting my son ready for school. Surprisingly I slept pretty good and I feel much better. Having a place to be able to let our feelings be heard is such a blessing, God bless this board! Thank you all for your responses and encouraging words and tips. I will stock up on some of the teas some of you mentioned. I know this stuff, I have to keep reminding myself. It will be 50 questions multiple choice....I can do it

Thank you all again :)

Specializes in Operating Room.


:beer: I have my labtest on Thursday, so on Thursday evening I'll fix me two of those, one for each test. :rotfl:

I'm glad you were able to calm down and get some sleep! Yes, I agree, this board is wonderful for letting out "emotional toxins" :uhoh3: . Once you post something, you feel better already, and your family didn't have to hear you gripe about it all night, well maybe not. HAHAHAHA (My family probably still has to hear about it all...several times...once for each family member. LOL)

...and yet once again, GOOD LUCK! :)

Specializes in Urgent Care.

I actually got a beta blocker to take for my speech class 2 years ago. Public speaking is so awful for me I needed something to help with the shaking and palpitations.

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