I really need some advice. I dont know if I want to be a nurse much longer.



I could really use some advice from fellow nurses. I got my BSN a little over a year ago in Alabama. I worked for ten months on a med-surg/stepdown unit before I decided to move to Arizona for family and opportunity. I just started my new job a month ago and I feel like it was the biggest mistake of my life. I absolutely hate it. I work on med/surg oncology. I take 5 patients which is the same as the other hospital but I feel like this hospital is really behind in medical care. We use one of the worst charting systems I have ever seen. There is still a weird mix between paper and electronic charting.The Doctors never put in there own orders they make the nurse do most of it. pretty much I dont feel safe nursing here. I'm not sure If I even want to be a nurse anymore. I wasn't happy at my first job but now Im miserable at my second. I feel like I will always be miserable no matter what I do.I honestly just want to cry every time I go in and I have anxiety attacks when I just think about it at home. I know I hate the hospital but everything I looked at requires 2 or more years experience to get out of the hospital. I cant hold out for that long. Dose anybody have any Ideas on what to do? Maybe nursing isnt for me what else can I do without more years in college( I cant afford anymore debt right now)

I think most nurses have had one or two jobs they hated, I know I did, it was a long time ago, but I remember thinking, if this is nursing I dont want to be a nurse. I quit that job and found one that was a better fit, now before and after every shift I think I'm so glad I'm a nurse.

It sounds like you hate where you work, not being a nurse. I would just continually keep looking, networking, and apply whenever possible.

Specializes in hospice.

Dude, where the heck are you working? Is it in PHX metro or somewhere rural? Because I'd be shocked if any of the hospital systems in Phoenix were operating like that, but I only worked for one of them....

Specializes in MICU, SICU, CICU.

If what I have been told about Phoenix is true, you were very fortunate to be hired for an entry level position with less than one year of experience. Was your first position at a much larger facility? If so, I can understand why you feel the hospital is behind the times. My sympathies if you are using Allscripts or Meditech.

Med Surg Oncology can be very high acuity, but if you can, hang in there for six months and transfer. Did you enjoy Stepdown, maybe that would be more in your comfort zone. Most new nurses go through this phase and it gets better with time. Hospital nursing is not for everybody. You might enjoy psych, home health or rehab nursing and that is perfectly okay. Apply and go on some job shadows, you might find somewhere that feels right for you. Good luck.

Im actually working in Scottsdale. I was pretty schocked when I started working because all the reviews said it was such a great place to work.

I feel pretty lucky to be hired. I actually had multiple job offers so I guess it was a good time to move. I feel a little better because I spoke to a nurse who is in the same orientation as me. She has 7 years experience and she said this is probably the most stressful hospital shes ever worked at. so far I havent had a patient thay has been anywhere near the acuity Im used to. So i think its coming but im glad that it hasn't yet. Thanks for the comments I think that Im going to stay here for six months and if they don't let me transfer I'll leave the hospital. I love the idea of working in endoscopy or a outpatient wound care center. Anybody ever worked in these settings?

It is not unusual to feel that way. Considering that you are a new grad and just over a year in the field. You are still adjusting to nursing because there is a lot out there to learn. I understand that when you just get thrown into it without any good support, it becomes very frustrating and you feel like quitting. Studies are shown right now that new nurses leave the field within 6 months to one year of hire because of the lack of social support. I believe that is what you are lacking in both of your jobs.

I have had so many experiences with different nursing jobs when I want to quit because of so many different things happening and so many challenges but there was always someone to encourage me along with my own focus on why I did nursing and what I want out of it other than a pay check. Do I want to serve? When one provides service it is challenging because sometimes we have to provide service under unusual circumstances. Another thing to do is to say I will take one day at a time because that is all you can do and give it your best shot. At the end of the day you go home be with your family and regroup. Go back the next day with renewed strength and start a fresh. Its another day, so give it your best shot again. Try finding a buddy, someone you can talk to or call to ask questions and give you some support. Good luck and good nursing!

Specializes in hospice.
Im actually working in Scottsdale. I was pretty schocked when I started working because all the reviews said it was such a great place to work.


I really, truly am shocked. Maybe the recent merger will help them modernize.

Specializes in ICU.

What is the big deal about the charting? Nurses worked for decades without any type of electronic charting! We still have a few doctors who won't put their own orders in the computer; we simply put them ourselves. No big deal. We also worked without any fancy IV pumps, had to intubate and everything else. If we could do it for decades, then you can do it, too! Hang in there and try to stop finding things wrong; look for the positives in your job. Eventually they will have everything worked out. Good luck.

That was entirely misleading. Sometimes it is good to connect with someone who actually works at the organization. That will be the best review ever.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

A new nursing job is always stressful, and they never do things exactly the way they did at your old job. Give it some time.

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