Published Apr 22, 2014
Davey Do
10,651 Posts
Mandychelle79, ASN, RN
771 Posts
I do this all the while out and about.
Whispera, MSN, RN
3,458 Posts the headset just a prop so the person can respond to those voices with no one thinking much of it???
Wonder if I can suggest this to my patient who are worried about what people say about them.
1,082 Posts
I do this allllll the time. Not even a psych nurse:sniff:
Thanks for the Responses and Carrying the Funny Ball Forward...
This Sort of Situation was Handled Differently in Times Past: Back in the 70's, and I believe it was on Saturday Night Live, Lilly Tomlin said something like, "Why don't we just pair up those people who walk down the street talking to themselves and make it look like they're having a conversation?"
The Situation in the Cartoon actually happened to me Monday Morning after Clocking Out. Since a Number of Patients I work with Self-Talk, I guess I was in that Sort of Mindset. When I discovered the Person was Talking on a Bluetooth, I Laughed to myself and thought, "You're such an Old Dude who's Out of Touch!" I Sketched Up the Cartoon that Night.
Thanks again!
About 20 years ago, when I had Long Hair and a Beard, I worked out of a Community Mental Health Clinic which, among other Services, Housed a Day Treatment Program for Mentally Ill Clients. One Morning before Programs began for Day Treatment, I was Hanging Out with some Co-Workers and Clients. A Fun-Loving Co-Worker who was Bald, Clean-Shaven and Dressed in Typical Professional Business-Like Attire and I were Kidding Around. He took a Strand of my Long Hair, Laid it over his Bald Head and asked a Client who Manifested an Overtly Flat Affect,
I realized that I was an old Psych Nurse when...
Hey, the DJ can control the music!
I realized I was an old Psych Nurse when... I responded to a subjectively critical Co-Worker with a Holier Than Thou attitude joyously recounting the bizarre behavior of a chronically mentally ill Patient with:
37 Posts
Funny thing is, providers have encouraged the use of Bluetooth ear things to mask ris :)
I knew that I was an old Psych Nurse when...
I had to Correct this Poster:
So it read like this: