Goood Vibes! :balloons:I passed the Nclex exam! I answered tons of prioritization, infectious dses. precautions, 12 select all that applies, 7 math questions. normal values, lots of drugs.
Guys just Read SAUNDERS COMPREHENSIVE BOOK you dont have to memorize the book just know the principles. after that answer saunders qandA cd, kaplan question trainer,(test 1-7) lippincot qandA. mosbys qandA during my review i finished 8thousand practice questions, So some of my questions in nclex had similarity to the questions i encountered during my review. I also used Prioritization delegation and assignment book by;Lacharity 80% of my actual nclex exams also had similarity to questions i answered to that book. For drugs I used Insanely easy pharmacology book, its really helpful and easy to understand, study the drugs if it is taken with meals or without meals, cause these are the most common questions in nclex, also study the herbal meds and its contraindications.
If you feel that your not in the study mode, and you think that u really need to study, Just go online and read all the testimonials of all peolple who passed the nclex here in, so that you will be inspired to study nclex. thats what i did during my review. hehehe
I promised to myself after passing the nclex I will make a testimonial here to inspire people who will take the nclex exam. so this is really it is! ahhaa
nclex is not an easy exam so study hard and stay focus..goodluck to evryone!!! :balloons:.