I passed NCLEX RN!! Thanks to all nurses for the help..


:yeah:SOOOO I PASSED!!! I took it on the 11th - CA and found out today that I passed!! I had 75 Questions and were a mix of meds, safety, delegation, prioritization, and Infection control. I did Kaplan, Saunders, and read the Prioritization book by Linda Lacharity. I thought that the topics of questions were expected, but many of the answer choices were unexpected info./choices. I had no clue if I passed or not. Randomly, I did get a couple of recall based questions..but overall, I thought that it was hard but a doable test!!

This is actually my frst post but I really wanted to thank everyone as I learned from the postings about the delegation book and some other valuable advise from other students. So, much thanks to all :) Good Luck to all who are waiting for results or are planning to take the test:lol2:

hi! Congratulations!!! How did u find out your result? I also took mine on the 11th but until now my name has not appeared on the brn website! You took your exam in CA right?! Im already thinking i didnt make it! :(

I checked my name on BRN's website under permanent License verification here:


Do you know if your file is complete? They have to receive your transcripts and complete your file before they release results.

When was your issue date wasit today? Yes ive called the brn and they told me my file is complete and that the process time to post results could take 2 to 4 weeks! But people i know who took theirs at the same day and 2 days after my exam got their results from the brn website already!

Issue date was 2/18. Found out today at 6 am. My friend who took it two days after me also got her results today. So I don't know then..sorry

Congrats! I hope to get to find out my result soon! Its been an agonizing wait for me and im starting to think i probably didnt make it!


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.


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