I Pass Nclex RN Suzanne gets all the praise

Nursing Students NCLEX


I cannot believe it I passed :yeah::yeah::yeah:god is so good got the results last night after waiting for 21 days. I did not know what to do with my self after taking it 6 times i finally did it. I had 75 questions 3 SATA 3 math cal tons of priorty questions. I used suzanne's plan as it was written and nothing else. It works guys. Suzanne, thank you soooooooooo much because i thought i would nerver pass. I owe it all to you your plan is the best especially for international nurses. Thanks to this site and everyone up here you all kept me sane these 21 days with all the positive posts. Once again thanks. I am a nurse now RN :nurse:

Congrats. Am almost done with the first tip. Can't wait to begin the next step. Hope I'll be able to hurdle this just like you did!


Specializes in Mother/Baby, L&D.

You waited 21 days for result? Why? I just took my boards for the 4th time on the 25th. I don't think I can hold out for 21 days!! AHHHH!! Was it not on the computer site? I am glad you passed. I know exactly how you feel! CONGRATULATIONS!:up:

Congrads!!!! I am awaiting to take my boards for the 3rd time and I am presently working on step #1. I have read alot on this site that this REALLY works so I am excited. Good luck to all who are presently waiting to take their boards!! :)

Congratulations, wot a big relieve 4 u.

Specializes in Cardio-Thoracic Surgery.

congrats! :yeah:

I am looking forward to starting Suzanne's plan myself!

Congratulations! can't wait to start her second tip too!

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