Published Aug 16, 2005
355 Posts
Junior High $34,342 11 miles away 900 kids or
Elementary $38,300 22 miles away 900 kids. Which sounds the best and which one would you choose?
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
Junior High $34,342 11 miles away 900 kids orElementary $38,300 22 miles away 900 kids. Which sounds the best and which one would you choose?
Is it a school nurse position?
If so, I would go with the 2nd one. If benefits are same. 11 miles difference is not much unless you live in an area where that would require MUCH more time to get to work.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Is it a school nurse position? If so, I would go with the 2nd one. If benefits are same. 11 miles difference is not much unless you live in an area where that would require MUCH more time to get to work.IMHO
I agree. Well if you are talking about chosing between a job. If the benefits are much better on the first I would go with it. Good luck to you. :)
BadBird, BSN, RN
1,126 Posts
Go for the most money.
The job is a school nurse position with no aide. The benefits are the same.
I was told that the elementary had 3-4 procedures(cath, tube feeding, diabetic care) ages 5-10. Is 22 miles one way, and pays $38,000.
The junior high principal mentioned fractures, a seizure, giving medications for asthma and diabetics. The junior is 11 miles one way but pays only $34,000.
The job is a school nurse position with no aide. The benefits are the same.I was told that the elementary had 3-4 procedures(cath, tube feeding, diabetic care) ages 5-10. Is 22 miles one way, and pays $38,000.The junior high principal mentioned fractures, a seizure, giving medications for asthma and diabetics. The junior is 11 miles one way but pays only $34,000.
Then my vote goes for the second job. Good luck
119 Posts
I'd go for the elementary school job. You couldn't pay me enough to work with hormonal junior high schoolers.
Good Luck,
1,112 Posts
I love middle schoolers. A unique group! But I'd try to get them to come up on the salary. If you actually have an offer for both, I'd tell them the other school offered $38,000 - could they match that? With gas prices, half the distance will add up too. Eleven miles is a great distance.
2,756 Posts
Right. And it won't be 11 miles extra a day, it will be 22. For me, that could add an entire hour of travel time to my day, but even in areas not plagued with traffic woes, it will mean an extra half hour or so. Add that up over the year, and $4000 extra doesn't sound like much to me (plus it will be less after the extra taxes, too). If you really have no age group preference, I'd take the junior high job myself.
Hello Everyone! Thanks for all your feedback and voting advice submitted during my hour of decision. I chose (drumroll) th........e middle school! Yeahhhhhhhhhh! I decided on it because of the distance is only 11 miles without getting on the freeway and my soon to be built house will be only 5 miles away my school. I like little kids but felt more comfortable with the bigger kids and plus the bigger kids could tell me more symtoms, also the district nurse was very likeable and had interviewed me 2 yrs ago and had wanted to pick me back then but the pay was $31,000.for high school position. I couldn't get them to bulge on the salary since a nurse assistant had been at the junior high for a few years and that seemed like a plus that a NA had been able to handle that school. I will probably work one weekend a month with a home health agency to make up the difference. I left a $53G a year stressful clinic job that did minor surg and ob surg and I heard today that they'll be adding diagnostic colonoscopies and other stuff. I am the 3rd person to quit in 2 weeks. I tried to give my 2 weeks notice yesterday, but when I came into work they walked by me like they didn't get the fax, the nurse supv tried to have an impromptu mtg with me and the lead nurse and started to tell me she wanted to train me on the triage phone tomm in the next breath. So I said didn't you get my resignation fax and she acted surprised. So I will bring in the fax and confirmation. But anyway I won't be able to give full 2 weeks but 1 week because the head school nurse said the NA wanted to train me the first 2 days of school before she quit and then a sub is coming the next 3 days and then I'll be on my own mostly. So will HR leave me a bad name? Will I get my left over Vacation Time? Oh well, I'm still happy, I'll be home for my kids, and off summers!
i hope hr doesn't give you bad name. i'd consider writing another resignation, dated today, noting that you are submitting it along with a letter dated the other day, along with a fax confirmation, and ask that all of these documents be put in your file. even if the current hr people wouldn't give you a not eligible for rehire, you want to have something in the record for future hr people who didn't work with you.
So happy for you. 5 miles is great.
Just see how the HR issue plays out.
Re salary - remember you will have the summer free to make up some of the loss of income. Try at first to just have the one job and savor the decreased stress. Repair your mental health first. With shorter hours and more relaxed after work, you might be able to save a little money by not eating out as often or cooking less ready made type meals. There may be other ways you can cut back on expenses with more time.