Published Mar 12, 2011
2 Posts
Hi everybody, I recently graduated from a 4 year university with my bsn in may. While going to school undergrad I worked as a nurse's aide on an oncology floor. this hospital paid 15k towards my education and guaranteed me a job after graduation. I started there in august and have been working on the floor for 7 months. I have to work for them for another 1.5 in order to keep the money they gave me for school. In the meanwhile i got into a fast track program that allowed me to begin my np degree without taking my GREs. I've already completed 3 classes ( I am currently in 2)...
one of my undergrad professors who does not know i already have an rn job emailed me telling me that MGH is starting a new grad icu program. I decided to apply to it considering i've always wanted to work in the icu and have thought about becoming a crna. MGH called me and set up an interview. The program consists doing a 6 mo residency program only getting paid 11.40/h. after the 6 mo you are guaranteed an icu job making 30/h The dilemma I am having is that if I quit my oncology job I will have to pay back 15k and possibly withdraw from the 2 np classes I am taking now. In addition I am taking a huge cut in pay for 6mo. all in all costing me 35k (thius includes the 15 i have to pay back to my current place of employment and money i may lose out on with school.) any opinions? I know it is hard to get into an icu as a new grad so if i am offered a job should i do it and not worry about the money. I am living in a rent free situation right now, but it still is 35k in the hole.
171 Posts
Do you like your current job? Just curious.
10 Posts
Are you from the Boston area? If not, do know that rent in Boston can be high.
The Boston Globe had an article about the MGH new grad ICU program a few years ago.
Think about what your goal is and figure out a work plan from there.
69 Posts
I agree with the above poster - do you like your job. If not, consider changing, but honestly, I wouldn't take it.
How do you expect to pay off $15,000 on a 11.40/hr salary? It's hard enough on RN pay. You can always transfer into an ICU at a later time.
51 Posts
I agree with the above poster. Finish your commitment to the oncology floor. You're still able to complete courses while working, so it sounds like you are already in a good situation. Sure the grass always looks greener on the other side . . . until you're over there.
734 Posts
In your case you all ready have a great opportunity. MGH program is great for those who do not have other options lined up.. If you like your job,, stay there, finish NP school, finish your commitment, save your money....ICU could come easily later on.
If on the other hand you are not happy then only you can know how unhappy you are and deal with it.
I agree grass may look greener but I think your side has much more potential. Good luck.
Flo., BSN, RN
571 Posts
I would stay with ONC and finish up the NP. You can always go to the ICU later but I feel that it is harder to go back to school.
As a side note, I would change your user name for future postings. You gave out a lot of personal info. You don't want people from your real life recognizing you on AN.
88 Posts
If I were in your situation, I think I'd be more proud of myself for earning a masters than completing an ICU internship and being an ICU nurse. I mean no disrespect to any ICU nurses out there, though! I'm an ICU nurse, too. I'm proud and happy that I'm in the ICU and I feel very fulfilled with my job. Still, being an NP is a goal of mine that I hope I can achieve. Sounds like you have a very great situation currently. Like Flo. said, it IS harder to go back to school, and considering you're already in the NP program, it sounds like you have a great arrangement right now.
I work with a lot of bedside nurses in the ICU who have masters degrees, so I don't believe you'd be considered too overqualified if you wanted to look into an ICU internship after you graduated from an NP program.
It's certainly up to you to decide. If you're sick of the onc floor, think you'd enjoy ICU more, or if you feel like your heart's not in it to be an NP, then you should do what you think is best. Good luck, and please tell us what you decide! :)
April, RN, BSN, RN
1,008 Posts
Don't do it. It sounds like you are in a really good position at your current job. MGH hires nurses with experience into their ICUs. You can always apply as an experienced nurse later on.
joanna73, BSN, RN
4,767 Posts
I would never accept a job for 11.40 an hour. That's very insulting. If you have loans to pay, you're going to end up with more debt. Its up to you, but I would accept the other position. And regardless that its a residency...still insulting. That kind of thing is just not done in my area.
melmarie23, MSN, RN
1,171 Posts
Id finish up in ONC and then do the residency program later if you are still interested. $15k in the hole is a lot.
443 Posts
I agree with the others. Unless you hate your current job, I wouldn't do it.