Published Oct 20, 2009
462 Posts
Does anyone have any sample care plans they can share? I failed the HDLS 2 and it was suggested to make a care plan. Including signs/symptoms, diagnostics tests, treatment plans with foucs in nursing care and medications
I just don't know how to get started. I can easily make one from excel but not sure how to set it up. :smilecoffeecup:
Please Please Advise!
159 Posts
what you could do is just list the sign and symptoms you would see in the disease process.
list the labs or diagnostics exams used to diagnose the disease
what are some nursing interventions to be implemented
what are some pt. outcomes to be expected as a result of our nursing care
hope this helps
172 Posts
check out
dave's study guide gives an might help. there are lots of practice scenarios too.
good luck
627 Posts
Aren't there formats for care plans online?
130 Posts
I made note cards instead of careplans! It seemed to help! Good luck, that one is hard!
226 Posts
I'm not sure if you just want to know how to format it in Excel or do you want help with how to write a care plan.
Either way try typing "Daytonite" in the allnurses search bar and look at some of her posts. She has helped with many careplans here.
Also check the stickies here there is probably a stickie with helpful info.