I need your ethical conflicts to help me write my paper please =)

Nurses General Nursing


These are the types of moral conflicts, If you could take five minutes of your time and answer the 5 questions below it would GREATLY help me write my paper in Nursing Ethics class!

moral uncertainty-Sense a moral problem exists but unsure what values or principles apply or what the problem is.

moral dilemma-State in which two or more values or principles are applicable but support mutually exclusive courses of action.

moral distress -State in which one is clear as to the right choice but external constraints make one unable to act in accord with that choice.

moral outrage-Situation in which another person engages in an action the nurse believes to be morally wrong. (The nurse is not involved in the situation)

2.Please describe an ethical conflict situation in nursing practice that you have encountered.

3.How did you deal with that ethical conflict?how it was resolved? and what personal values were involved?

4. Were you satisfied with how the ethical conflict was resolved?

5. Did you refer to the Code of Ethics for Nurses in dealing with the conflict?

Start using your critical thinking skills and think about some ethical situations that you might encounter in the hospital setting. If you have access to any nursing journals you may find some great topics. You may also find some good info on the American Nursing Association's ANA website.

I am looking for actual nursing stories... like on the job

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

I'm sure there are lots of ethical situations you could come up with on your own.

The suggestion to look in nursing journals is an excellent one.

Good luck!

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
I am looking for actual nursing stories... like on the job

Was that part of the assignment? To interview actual nurses about an ethical dilemma? If so, I'm wondering if they meant real-life nurses, not "strangers on the internet who may or may not be actual nurses".

Which I am positive you will find in nursing journals...especially in the nursing articles.

Specializes in med/surg- sub-acute, LTC,ICU,.

It is truly sad and depressing to see how student nurses are treated on this site sometimes. If you are unwilling to help, then keep it to yourself!!!! OP please PM me.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Seriously? We're getting flack because we didn't spoon feed her information, but instead made the very good suggestion of looking in journal articles?

Specializes in Tele, ICU, ED, Nurse Instructor,.

OP it would be a good idea if you can get a live interview with some nurses. You may want to record the session. Good luck.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.
It is truly sad and depressing to see how student nurses are treated on this site sometimes. If you are unwilling to help, then keep it to yourself!!!! OP please PM me.

OP can't PM you because he/she only came here for homework help. One must have 15 or more posts to use the PM function.

I am overloaded with exams and reports and a part time job, and the only nurse I know lives 45 minutes away and can't find her number for the life of me. I have a huge Anat 2 exam tomorrow and didn't have time to find a nurse. I thought this site would have good quality nurses to help me with my paper, I didn't expect to be "spoonfed"

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Many of us did nursing school while holding fulltime jobs, single parenting, etc. It's hard, but we made it through and you will too. Good luck!

Your nursing school multimedia resource center is a great place to find nursing journals, and I bet you will find tons of examples there.

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