I Need A Nurse To Interview!!


Hello, I'm in Intro to nursing and my assignment is to interview a registered nurse. if anybody would be kind enough to help me out... I'd really appreciate it. it can be a quick phone call or anything you'd be comfortable with. they are simple questions and very short. pleeeeeeease!!

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Is your assignment to interview a random stranger that may or may not be a nurse that you found on an anonymous Internet forum? The strong majority of members are highly protective of our privacy and are unlikely to consent to a phone interview.

There are dozens of places you can secure an interview. Health department, minute clinic, prison, special needs school, home health agencies, pediatric private duty agencies, assisted living, long term care and many other locations. There is so much more to gain from an in person interview from interpersonal skills to a potential contact for future needs. Simply offering a cup of coffee for their time can get you a wealth of information!

Just a bit of etiquette for a professional forum it's considered impolite to add extra letters to your pleas such as pppllleeeeaase. Just like it's not within site terms of service to use text or chat speak.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

^^^^ this ^^^^

I understand what you are saying. And yes, I have tried to call places. They usually tell me they are too busy for an interview. So I thought I'd give this a try.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

Copied with permission from GrnTea:

We get these requests a lot, so if there are any other students out there who might get this kind of assignment, listen up:

Part of your faculty's reason for giving you this assignment is to get you to go out there and speak to an RN face to face. A big email blast is not a substitute for shoe leather. AN is not Google.

See, in nursing, you have to learn to speak to a lot of people you would not otherwise encounter; you might find yourself out of your comfort zone. This is part of nursing, a huge part. An anonymous respondent online, well, you don't really know who we are, do you? We could be the truck driving guy living next door for all you know.

So if all you do about learning new things is "Go to the keyboard and hit send," then you are limiting your chances of actual learning a valuable skill you will need all your working life.

That said: Where will you find a nurse? Think outside the (computer) box.

Local hospital: go to the staff development/inservice education office and ask one of them. They value education and will be happy to chat or to hook you up with someone who is.

Go to the public health department downtown. Ditto.

Go to the local school and ask to speak to a school nurse. Ditto.

Go to a local clinic / physician/NP office. Ditto.

Go to the local jail and ask to speak to the nurse there. Ditto.

Notice all of these say, "Go to..." and not "Email..." Remember that part about meeting new people face to face and comfort zone.


That's all great information. But my teacher did tell us we could do an interview through the phone or a video chat. So thanks anyways...

That's all great information. But my teacher did tell us we could do an interview through the phone or a video chat. So thanks anyways...

This isn't a phone or a video chat. This is a random message board where people may or may not be nurses.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
That's all great information. But my teacher did tell us we could do an interview through the phone or a video chat. So thanks anyways...

Why would you go on a forum & assume any random stranger would be willing to talk with you over the phone or video chat? And even then, how could you be 100% sure that the person is actually a nurse? Try other places other than hospitals. Don't make excuses.

That's all great information. But my teacher did tell us we could do an interview through the phone or a video chat. So thanks anyways...

Bea I will help you, PM me.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
Bea I will help you, PM me.

She can't. Too new member.

She can't. Too new member.

Oh no! I want to help but I'm not willing to publish my email or phone for the world to see. Would the mods connect us somehow?

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
Oh no! I want to help but I'm not willing to publish my email or phone for the world to see. Would the mods connect us somehow?

Not likely as they value anonymity also. Hence why soliciting interviews on a public anonymous forum is not the best choice for a student charged with developing personal interview and interpersonal communication skills. Are you going to provide verification of your license & employment to this reported student's professor for verification?

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