Published Jan 15, 2016
Cattz, ADN
1,078 Posts
This is the old huffmannurse. Happy Friday Morning peeps. I have been so lonely all week without my nursefriends!! I haven't been able to log in, soooo I finally just created a new account. It's so great to be able to interact with my work buddies again!
Everyone have a great day!
MrNurse(x2), ADN
2,558 Posts
I would be lost if my computer died with all the passwords. I can't access my work email anywhere but my phone.
Yikes! That is a very scary thought!!
12,646 Posts
What happened? Did you contact the help desk?
I really don't know what happened. I e-mailed back and forth with the Help Desk. Have no clue what happened. Doesn't matter now.
I did make sure to wear my pink shirt on Wednesday! I was still here in the shadows!! :)
762 Posts
We could feel your spirit amongst us.
GmaPearl BSN RN
283 Posts
I lost the envelope where many of my passwords were recorded… I am in deep doo doo!
I am constantly calling the help desk at the hospital to reset passwords. I blame it on my Diet MtnDew.
I can understand how this could cause you adverse effects. Yuck...the words Diet and Mt. Dew should never, ever be used in the same sentence.
I got to the point that regular MtnDew was too sweet. Diet took just enough of the edge off, but then I read some ingredient (I forgot which one) has STM effects. I had to stop drinking it, because it really was that bad.
I know it is so bad bad bad for me. I would really like to quit drinking it too. I have a "love/hate relationship" with it!!
Oh yeah: the sweet. Yuck. I just have to not drink it for awhile when the sweet gets too gross for me. (As I sit here with a 2 liter jug beside my desk, as my "back up supply" !
Seriously, how long did it take to convince yourself that Diet Mt. Dew tasted good? My inquiring mind wants to know.