Published Oct 15, 2010
Dizzy Lizzy 1980
1 Post
:vlin:Seriously, I am only in my second term and I just feel so worn out I do everything BUT study I used to read the chapter, highlight the important stuff write or type (usually write since my printer NEVER has ink ) out an outline and on my way to school read the whole thing up until the instructor tells us to clear our desks and now I mean,..... I should be studying now since my test is in 7 hours. we are on the Integumentary system and our test is on the care of a patient with an integumentary disorder.... I have studied up to eczema but still have a lot to go and instead of going to bed or hitting the books like I should, I am here complaining about why I can't study anymore:banghead: if I keep this up I won't be able to pass term 2 let alone the program.... has anyone else felt this way so soon?! Any suggestions on how I can get my "groove" back?!?!?!
30 Posts
I felt the same way I didn't even pass like 2 tests feeling so lazy and worn out of studying but I realized if I don't pass how I have to start all over of term 2 and money and how I wanna move forward not go backwards just study !! :) what school are you attending ?
31 Posts
I just posted something about failing b/c I was too overwhelmed b/c of this and that...if u want it make yourself study dont be like me glued to the computer waiting for my teacher to post the final exam grade because I am a half a point between failing and passing. Trust me it is the most awful feeling ever :) You seem like u have a pretty good study habit I say keep it up with that good luck
358 Posts
I totally know how you feel! I have been there and because I lost my study habits I stopped studying all together and just decided to wing it on tests. Needless to say I ended up being dropped at the end of my second term because I was a 10th of a point away from passing!!! I was devestated, but now that I have regrouped I am going to give it another try at a different school. I am so upset because this would be the term I would have graduated with all my friends, but instead I am yet again on the outside looking in..
Get back to studying...I have a wonderful friend who is in an RN program that meets with me every weekend to study with me. Try finding someone within your class that you can study with to help keep you motivated. My friend and I sit next to each other, but she studys her stuff and I study mine. When either of us is ready to give up, we go for a short walk and talk about something else then come back and hit the books again.
I am looking forward to your next posting to be that you are back on the study trail and doing well in your program...
29 Posts
OK...Question? How long are you studying for at one time? I have read in more places then one that you should only study for about 50 minutes at a time. In other words study for 50 minutes and take a 10 minute break. Study for 50 minutes and then 10 minute break. See if that works better for you. Also does your teacher use power points during lecture? if so see if there is a possibility of getting your hands on them. I think you may be burning yourself out with all the reading and outlines. Just some food for thought. God bless:hug:
33 Posts
Honey I know how you feel I don't feel like it as well and I'm at the very last part of my program. I'm just so tired. But then I remember that hey I just put in all that work and money, not to mention all the haters who are like she ain't gone make it. I just can't give up now and you can't either honey. I was this way in the beginning and am this way now. It comes and goes with even the best of us. Keep in mind why you're there and try not to overdo it. Take breaks when you need to and don't go all gung ho in one day. Space your studying b/w days and set small itty bitty reachable goals. And remember...YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
45 Posts
I know just how you feel! Every couple of terms I have the same problem. I get so tired of studying all the time for all the tests, that I have to really push myself to study. I graduate in February and it can't come soon enough! We have tests on Monday so the weekend is shot with studying. I can't wait to just go to work and come home without a test to study for. The funny thing is that I'll be headed right back to school for LPN to RN soon after graduation. I must be crazy!
i know exactly what you mean i feel like that right now ! my brother plays a roll in not studying, well i blame he for it ! lol hes on vaca and i have to study, so everyday he stay home and gets drunk and then i feel left out so i get drunk, lol and then well ...... !@#$ happens ... lol but it helps to remember that HE DOES NOT WANT TO B A NURSE ! thats his plan nursing IS MINE !!! just think of all those people who would kill for your seat in class ! i think what we are feeling is a natural reaction to studying find something to do to keep your mind occuppied on something other than nursing stuff i fix my car so theres that and just started working out to help take my mind of the books movies are good too music whatever has nothing to do with nursing for a while you might like shopping once a week just to refresh your senses. find something that works for you !
good luck never give never give in !:hdvwl:
U CAN DO IT ! :cheers:
35 Posts
hahaha I'm 2 months into my program and I'm already burned out....But I wont give up... I'm the 40 yr old single woman who was out every night doing something,,, NEVER at home,,, hated being at home.... and still hate it. but i do it... ive been out with my friends one time in two months,, there are times that i get so depressed and miss my friends so much... so i know how ya feel,, of course ask me this my second trimester in.. lol .... it'll be worth it in the end... promise ya
5 Posts
I too, understand how you feel. I am in the second-to-last quarter before graduation. I too, am tired, and feel unmotivated to study. And lemme tell you something.... I'm new to this website, and it is a GREAT relief to see that I am not the only one out there feeling like this. I'll tell you what I've had to do to get re-motivated....
I began nursing school because I've always wanted to be a nurse. I failed out of one program a couple years ago. My, now ex-husband, always made me feel like I never would make it. So, I set out again to give it another shot. This time, I'm not doing it for anyone, except for myself; ok, and maybe my daughter too, but mostly for myself. I love nursing. I know this is my calling.
I have a picture on the cover of my book of me and my daughter. When I'm studying and I get like, "Ugh. This sucks, I can't study anymore!" I close the book, and on the cover, I see myself and my daughter. We have plans, you see... We want to have the best life the two of us could ever dream of having. And I intend to get it. SO I walk away from my studies, and I go outside. I take a few deep breaths, and imagine what my life could be like when I 6 months, and what it would have been like if I'd listened to my ex-husband and continued to be oppressed. I like option A.
Study for 30-40 minutes, and take a short break. Alternate. WHen you get overwhelmed.... breathe. Just take a moment and imagine your life and how it could be. What do you want for yourself? Don't do nursing school for anyone else... Do it for YOU. You may find too, that if you review just before you go to bed... take ten minuts and just read through your notes and stuff really quickly.... you'll retain more. Studies show that if you study the things you struggle with the most just before you go to bed, you are more likely to remember them. And most importantly... get into a routine. Set aside a time and a place for study... AND STICK TO IT. And whenever you feel like you just can't go on anymore... vent. And then go back. We all get overwhelmed. Nursing school is one of the hardest things we will each ever do in our lives. And it figures that when you're trying to do something with your life, that's when everything in your life falls apart.:smackingf I know it did and continues to do so for me. Be determined. We have it in us to do this. Your will is not lost, just misplaced. Find a friend, too, to study with. For me, it doesn't work, because I'm just too social, and end up talking about other stuff instead of studying. But I do have a good friend in school with me that is really good about keeping focused. We don't study together all the time, but sometimes we do. You may find that helpful as well. I would recommend, though, if you get in a study group, be careful. A lot of study groups I've been a part of end up being an hour of chit-chat. I recommend a small group, with no more than 4 people. I hope this helps you, and I hope also that you are encouraged to keep going. We're all here with you! We got this! Keep going!!!!!!!
7 Posts
I get that feeling too sometimes and I noticed that at the beginning of the semester I push myself too hard to be a perfectionist and eventually lose the will to study because I'm overwhelmed. Tip: PAY ATTENTION in class. professors whether they want to tip you or not, would subconscious hint information. If there are points that they speak of that you don't understand, make sure you read up on it rather than risk having that topic show up in class. Reading your textbook page to page would only succeed in tiring ou out faster as 70% of the info is extraneous. Your teachers would know what's important, and since they cannot afford the time to teach everything in your trextbook, they would review topics that they deem most important and would most likely show up on exams
100 Posts
Someone said long ago that the way to study is to stare at material for hours on end. People say "i studied 5 hours straight" like that's awesome.
In agreement to another poster, you should definitely study in moments. Study for a bit, then take a break for a bit, then study for a bit then take a break. Then don't look at it again for a few hours. What I would do is study, and while I'm taking a long break, I would quiz myself on the information. It helped me retain the info longer. IT WORKS!!!!!!!
Wait, I'm going to post again the link that helped me tremendously. I used it as a study technique when I was a math major and it works great even for that!