I just panicked and changed my date!!


The nerves are starting to set in! just changed my exam date from wed @ 8 to thurs @ 12:30

i'm telling myself that 12:30 is a better time and i'll be more alert. Plus i'll get one more day to do some more practice questions. not sure how much difference that is going to make :confused: anyone else panicking?

anyway, just trying to vent and share my anxiety :uhoh3:

Good luck to everyone, we can do this!!

Well good luck, I did mine at 1330 today. My only tip would be to EAT and DRINK till your stuffed, cuz if you need the whole 6 hours, you will feel dizzy and light headed half way through! GL to you, hope you pass... PS PVT says I passed, but wont find out til wed. GL again!

thanks melissa! i really really really hope i don't have to go all the way to 265 because after about 180 questions my brain starts getting foggy and i'll start making silly mistakes :/

Trust the PVT!! hope you sleep like a baby tonight :)

Specializes in PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU.

Please don't change your date again. One day and another hundred practice questions are not going to make a difference in your knowledge level. Plus, it costs you money to change your date and it increases your anxiety about the test. Everyone is nervous before their NCLEX but do yourself a favor and take Wednesday off from studying. You need time to relax and to allow your brain to sort out all the information you have been studying. Thursday morning, review one or two things that you have been having trouble remembering, but don't do practice questions or study a lot of information. You don't want to go into the test having just crammed a bunch of facts into your head- they will just get jumbled and confused.

You don't need to eat and drink until you are stuffed. You don't want to get up to go the bathroom 20 times during your test because you have had so much to drink. But you should eat a good breakfast and lunch. You can also bring water and snacks with you and you can take breaks during the test. If you are feeling like you can't focus, take a break for a few minutes, eat a snack, walk around the break room, stretch, etc. Don't be afraid to use your break time.

Specializes in Critical Care.

It was free to change my test. I changed my exam at least 10 times. I kept going back and forth. I took the exam yesterday at 2 pm. I think changing your test to a later time was definitely a good idea. If you feel like you need that extra day, than by all means. That's why they give us 24 hours to change it. Anything that will help decrease your anxiety is a great idea. I pushed my test back 2 days and the extra studying I did in those 2 days helped me to feel more prepared. I had 75 questions and got the good pop-up from the PVT. Best of luck to you Stardust, I'm praying for you :)

I freaked last week and changed my date from last thursday to this friday (29). I am still so nervous! I took the Hesi (Evolve) and finally passed after 8 times :( I am really hoping all the studying I did since december really pays off on the NCLEX.. GL to everyone!!

Thanks Ashley & Angelrina!

yea it was free to reschedule my appt, but i don't think i want to change it again. I just want this to be over with so i can stop stressing about passing and start stressing about finding a job hahah

i think i will take ashley's advice and try to take it easy tomorrow because i think about the more i start freaking out

Congratulations Angelrina!! i look forward to getting my good pop up ~fingers crossed~

Good luck Ekuyk! by now we've done all we can, hopefully it pays off.

Specializes in Critical Care.

12:30 is a great time. Try to get a good night's rest and just focus on answering every question to the best of your ability. When I didn't know something, I just chose what I thought was the best answer and I moved on. Never thought about it again. Have a nice breakfast. I listened to my favorite music all morning and on the ride to the test center. Just remain calm and think positive thoughts!!! Make sure you tell us how it went!!

just got home and got the good pop up on the PVT!!! :heartbeat

thanks for the prayers and the good wishes

i took my time and tried not to freak out even though probably half of my exam was sata's. even though i was prepared to stay for all 265 questions, i held my breath when i got to 75 and the comp cut off. got home and and did the pvt right away. i know its not the official result, but i still can help being happy and relieved. :yeah:

Pearson Quick Results says i passed!!!!!!!!!! :hpygrp:

congratulations!!! i'm happy for you. I hope to pass mine on August 19...

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