I just might projectile vomit while waiting for my NCLEX-RN results


Specializes in Critical Care, Operating Room.

seriously... I've got to wonder WHY IN GOD'S NAME California doesn't participate in "quick results". They could charge $40 for them here to make money for the BRN or Arnold Schwarzenegger or whoever... it wouldn't matter.. I would totally pay it to ease my mind!!!!!!!

I took my NCLEX-RN in California yesterday at 1300 and have felt like projectile vomiting ever since. Do the people who work for the BRN understand that anxiety can cause hypertension which can lead to all sorts of problems? I wonder if anyone ever went into renal failure from severe hypertension resulting from extreme stress? I wonder if anyone ever had an MI while waiting for their results in California? This is only one day after taking it and I can't imagine having to wait much longer.

Unfortunately I discovered that our college didn't mail our transcripts to the BRN until 1-7-2010 which means they only just got them this week. Oh yeah and did I mention that in the beautiful state of CA the BRN is not open on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Friday of the month? Oh yeah and that this Monday is a holiday? OMG I think I might die of a massive stroke before they even START to look at all of our results and transcripts on Tuesday next week...

On a positive note, I DID get the "good pop up" when I tried to re-register on the PearsonVue website... I don't entirely trust that method although I noticed LOTS of threads all over the internet about how it works. *please God let it be true*

Specializes in Medical Surgical Orthopedic.

I can't imagine......I didn't even shower and I barely got out of bed while I was waiting 48 hours for my results. I just felt so stressed that I was incapacitated. I also checked compulsively to see if the "good" pop up was still there...and now that I got my passing result, I keep checking the site to make sure that it still says passing. I should probably take a screen shot and make it my background.

I was sure I had failed, BTW.....and the pop-up was accurate for me because I did not :)

Specializes in Operating Room.
...and now that I got my passing result, I keep checking the site to make sure that it still says passing. I should probably take a screen shot and make it my background. )

Bahaha! I keep doing the same thing too! I don't think I'll really be relieved until I see my name and license number on the website!

I took mine the 14th, got the good pop up, but nothing posted yet. I'm in CA too and am going crazy!! I'm praying they post tonight!

Specializes in Critical Care, Operating Room.
I took mine the 14th, got the good pop up, but nothing posted yet. I'm in CA too and am going crazy!! I'm praying they post tonight!

me too! I've been checking a couple of times throughout the day... still nothing. I've been in contact with my classmates, some of whom took NCLEX-RN a week or two ago... we are all still waiting. I don't think they update the online license verification until midnight or something... guess there's nothing we can do but try to relax and wait ;)

Oh geez did ur classmates get the good pop up too?

Specializes in Critical Care, Operating Room.

I've only got to talk to 3 of them about it and they said they did get the good pop-up... stillllllllllll waiting. Today is day 6. Just checked the BRN license verification website.. still nothing. Even tried a few of my classmates names... one of them asked me to check it for her since she is at work and can't... I am hoping they are working on our stack of transcripts and exam results today...

I had the GREATEST dream last night that I looked online and there was my name with a license # next to it!!!!! I hope that dream becomes reality soon...

I passed!! It was posted today!!

Specializes in Critical Care, Operating Room.
I passed!! It was posted today!!

congrats!!!!! :yeah:

none of ours have posted yet... stillllllllllllllllllllllllll waitinggggggggggggg........ I am confused because the BRN online license verification website STILL says "last updated 01-19-2010"... that means yesterday!!!!

Wishing you good luck and congrats to jwilli.

Specializes in Critical Care, Operating Room.

thought I would post a quick update... on 01-28-2010 at 1:30am my name suddenly appeared on the CA BRN website!!!!!!! WHEW!

I have to say I keep looking at it because I still can't believe I am seeing MY name with "registered nurse" !! yipee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yelclap: :nurse:

I can't take it anymore took my test on the 20 and still nothing. One of my friends took it on the 15th and it it yesterday and one took it the 25th and got it.....what about me.....I keep getting the good Pearson vue pop up saying I recently scheduled a test but don't even know. I think my school was lame with transcripts cause I called and they said my degree hadn't posted which is what the transcript has to say....haven't gotten the official word from the transcript office. I can't take it anymore. All my coworkers are checking even more than me and are giving me more of an ulcer

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