I just don't know if nursing is really for me

Nurses New Nurse


First of all...let me give you a little background. I have graduated in June of 09 and I had a few different jobs since then. I had a job at a surgical center for 1week then I quit. Then I worked at a SNF, worked 3 days and then quit. Then worked at another surgical center...lasted 1 week and then quit. Now I am working at an ALF and so far I have been there for a month. I just don't know if nursing is for me :crying2:. I told my husband that If I really can't take it..I would just put up my own daycare center. I just feel guilty after paying all that money for school and then realizing now that I don't like it. I have done really good in school and actually got an award when I graduated. I just don't understand why I am feeling like this now. I am not happy....so stressed out.

Specializes in OB, Peds, Med Surg and Geriatric Nsg.

You know, while I was reading your post, I kinda saw myself in you with the same situation. I'm still having that feeling, it haven't gone away. I have an amazing husband who constantly supports me though I think that he doesn't see that I'm unhappy at my job. What he always say is that he is also not happy with his job but he's trying to tough it out. He wishes for me to do the same. I don't wanna sound selfish but as a married woman, we need to compromise. Just the same as what hubby did for me to be here and be with him and to sit for my NCLEX. I know it kinda sucks but you gotta try. I'm trying to stick out til September to get into another department like L&D. I hope that by that time, the position is still open and I could get in then probably it would be different. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Don't give up.

My mother said, "Life is hard. I didn't raise you to be a quitter. Try your best to be optimistic everyday. You have a job right now, call yourself lucky."

I think we should make a pact since we kinda have the same problem. We should stick it out til September. If it does get better, great. If it doesn't, then let's move on. Deal?

Specializes in Geriatric,LTC.

Although I don't know if I would last till September.... I would like to take that deal! :) Thanks so much for your reply, now I am feeling optimistic...and I know that I am not alone. Hope we both learn to like what we do in the future. Keep me posted "kabayan" ok? By the way... I haven't told my husband yet what I am feeling and hoping that I will change my mind soon and then I won't have to tell him. Let's keep our fingers crossed! Thanks again. PM me if you like I am in LA. I think we could be good friends :)

Specializes in OB, Peds, Med Surg and Geriatric Nsg.
Although I don't know if I would last till September.... I would like to take that deal! :) Thanks so much for your reply, now I am feeling optimistic...and I know that I am not alone. Hope we both learn to like what we do in the future. Keep me posted "kabayan" ok? By the way... I haven't told my husband yet what I am feeling and hoping that I will change my mind soon and then I won't have to tell him. Let's keep our fingers crossed! Thanks again. PM me if you like I am in LA. I think we could be good friends :)

You're from the Philippines too? Awesome! Didn't know that! LOL! PM me your number, will call you. Have any idea what the time difference is? I'm from PA.

Specializes in NICU.
Geriatrics is not for everyone, SNF, ALF, etc. Med/surg not for everyone either. There are other opportunities out there, such as childrens hospitals...OB....stuff that is a little less intense and a little more light hearted...

I think your advice overall is good, but as a side note...I wouldn't suggest a Children's Hospital as a place to go if you're looking for something less intense and more light hearted. Um...kids get just as critically ill as adults, and for lots of people, it's more emotionally challenging because little kids "aren't supposed to be sick and die." Very little about my work at a children's hospital is light-hearted. Do I love it? Yes. But light-hearted it is not. Someone's little baby or child is depending on you for their life.

And I'm not an OB nurse, but that specialty is fast-paced, intense, and high-risk. And more sad things happen than you would like to hope.

Just my 2 cents.

a friend of mine never worked the floor as a nurse....she's had a job with an insurance company for many years. it's 9-5, m-f, no weekends no holidays! she loves it and makes lots of money.

You have many options in nursing.

good luck

Specializes in OB, Peds, Med Surg and Geriatric Nsg.
a friend of mine never worked the floor as a nurse....she's had a job with an insurance company for many years. it's 9-5, m-f, no weekends no holidays! she loves it and makes lots of money.

You have many options in nursing.

good luck

Did she took a course on Medical Billing? I'm kinda interested on the same thing.

No, she does case management. I have another friend who changed from EMT to billing. She works from home, makes her own hours and loves it.

Specializes in Float pool for 14 months.

I too feel the same way as the OP. I graduated in May 2008. I really procrastinated looking for a job, and finally landed a job in Feb 09. I never really wanted to work at this hospital, but needed a job, so I took the job as a float. I figured that would be ok, because I wouldn't be stuck on med surg every night. Well no matter what floor I went to I hated it. I cried every night on my way into work. Then we got a new manager, who I didn't get along with, and that was it. I got another job at a different hospital as an ER nurse. I started there in April. I thought to myself, this is a great change, a great job to learn a lot in. Well, I still cry everytime I have to go in. Now, I can't even sleep before I have to work. I want to quit so bad, but I'm in debt, and my parents would be so disappointed. They keep saying, oh you will find your niche. What they don't get is that I truly hate it. Idk what it is I hate. A lot perhaps has to do with my confidence. I have none. I am so scared to be on my own. I have like 3 wks left of orientation, and am soooooo scared of being on my own, that I feel like I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown. I think the best thing to do is to be honest with yourself. Can you really see yourself doing this job for the rest of your working life? I don't. What is it that you dislike? I am wayyyy to sensitive, and take everything to heart. I feel so bad for people and I hate seeing people in pain. If I could find a new job tomorrow, I would quit this one in a NY minute.

Specializes in L&D, GYN, Neo ICU, Nursing Education.

Oh, my Dear, I am so sorry that nursing hasn't met your expectations in this first and most difficult year. Often our training doesn't prepare us for real life and that sudden dip in the real life pool is cold. I would ask if there was a particular clinical rotation and/or instructor you liked. If so, that may be your niche. I knew when I began my OB clinicals that it was where I was going to be. My confidence was nonexistent, but I got a job and learned each day. The thing that most gave me confidence was my first positive comments from patients, not physicians or other nurses.

Did you receive an appropriate orientation? It seems that new nurses nowadays are put on the floor and off they go. Do you realize you can request more orientation with an experienced nurse if you aren't sure you're ready to go. Our profession is rewarding but can be dangerous. Be careful. Go to the charge nurse, nurse manager, or human resources to request this.

Med-Surg nurses are special indeed. I didn't dislike it, but it wasn't my heart. It is true that med-surg is the best place to gain knowledge, self esteem, and contacts. Few new nurses want to work med-surg, most hospitals require it. That seems to be conflicting. I would say, however, that if you are feeling so bad about nursing it may not be the place for you. Would you consider 6 months in any unit, even med-surg, without extreme expectations? If so, try it. Go to work and pat yourself on the back each time you learn something new or improve your performance.

You said you work nights. Could your problem be that you are one of those people that can't adjust to that shift. Your issue may be more about your body clock and rhythm than your dislike of nursing. Visit your physician to see if this may be one of your problems.

What would you choose to do if you weren't a nurse? Would you want to continue with nursing if you could be on a unit you enjoy? Please find mentors you trust, like, and who like being mentors. Talk to them. You'll find that most of us have periods of low or non-existent self esteem. When I started I thought I surely didn't learn anything in those 4 years of college. One year out, I wrote my college of nursing thanking them for the good education I did receiver. I listened to my gut and realized I learned more than I imagined.

I really wish you well. Please get back to us on this site. Let us know how you're doing.:redpinkhe


Specializes in L&D, GYN, Neo ICU, Nursing Education.
Well right now i'm just trying to do my best and try to stay and get the experience I need. Who knows maybe you are all right and that I might like it. I just always remind myself that if I don't succeed in this then it will not be the end of the world.. and it helps...thanks everyone.

I have posted another reply, but saw this and wanted to say that you sound better. Don't give up yet. Several people have suggested you give your job more time. Remember those first weeks are the most stressful because you're learning the routine, finding things including the bathroom and locker room, you're thrown in with others you don't know including some probably less than happy nurses, physicians, and administrators. Focus on those who are happy and enjoy where they are. Don't give up yet. But, if you do choose to get away from nursing it doesn't mean you have failed. You obviously made it through some tough training. You have more strength than you realize.


Specializes in School Nursing.

I think you should try and stick with a job for a while to see if anything changes. You've quit several jobs after just a few days. If you keep that pattern going, you may have trouble finding a job doing much of anything as it shows a poor work history. What kinds of jobs did you do before nursing? What is the longest you've stayed at one job?

Specializes in Geriatric,LTC.
I think you should try and stick with a job for a while to see if anything changes. You've quit several jobs after just a few days. If you keep that pattern going, you may have trouble finding a job doing much of anything as it shows a poor work history. What kinds of jobs did you do before nursing? What is the longest you've stayed at one job?

I have been working at a customer service agent for a few years. Stayed with one company. Since I started nursing I don't know why I have been like this. Maybe because everything is new for me. I just didn't have enough courage I guess. Fear overwhelmed me. I know I can stay in one place for a long time if I liked it. So...i don't know.

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