Published Oct 16, 2015
92 Posts
I passed my LPN board September 3rd of this year. The following week I went an applied to several nursing home. This particular nursing home hired me on the spot. It's a great LTC facility and I can tell the staff really care about their patients. The DON assigned me with two different nurses for orientation. I trained for a total of ten days. I though I was doing fine, I was getting to know the patients, the medications they take, and their daily activities. The only issue I was having was time management, I might of had a little issue passing the meds on time but I don't know the patients, sometimes I didn't know where to find a particular medication (for example if it was in the med room, the fridge, or med cart) and so many times I would leave the facility around 12 pm instead of the usual 11 pm (I worked the 3-11 shift). I didn't make any med errors that I know of, I was not written up for anything, I was on time to work. I do believe that with more experience I probably would've gotten better but I guess the DON did not believe the same.
Anyways, this DON as I've heard for several of the staff is new to the position. I did get a couple of bad vibes form him, but I just shrugged it off. To me he seemed like a know-it-all and I guess that's how one feels with such authority. I was there for a total of three weeks and during that time I noticed that he hired 4 new nurses. These nurses already had experience and one of them already worked as a CNA at the facility and recently got her LPN license. So, he called me today and said that he thought it would be best if we part ways. I'm not really sure if I believed his reasoning but he said he kind of went off of what the other nurses were saying (those who were training me) and he thought I was doing allright but he didn't see me advancing or getting better. I just said, ok and thank you for the opportunity.
I really didn't know how to feel after that. This was my first nursing job. I've NEVER gotten fired from a job before (I'm 22 yrs old). It was just an eye opener. I didn't feel sad, down, depressed. I just felt a calmness swept over me like I was at peace with his decision. Now maybe, this is cause I'm a positive person, but I just took it as a learning experience and the fact that this was my first nursing job. I do feel like I didn't really get a chance to prove myself and my capabilities but I guess that's life and I can't please everyone. I'm not looking forward to looking for another job, as I feel like I've applied everywhere before I was accepted to this one. I'm disappointed that it was short lived but I have to move on...
FolksBtrippin, BSN, RN
2,297 Posts
That sucks! You are handling it really well though. It sounds like you intuitively feel that it's all for the best. There are better jobs out there. Good luck
554 Posts
Sorry to hear that. The DON sounds very unpleasant (I'm trying to be polite.). As a new grad with 10 days orientation no one could expect you to be perfect. Well move onwards and upwards. Hopefully your next position will be better.
Jules A, MSN
8,864 Posts
I'm also sorry this happened but it sounds like you have an excellent attitude so I'm confident you will find something else that will be a good fit for you. Best to you and please keep us posted.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
In all likelihood you did nothing wrong. I suspect that the DON terminated your employment for personal reasons that had to deal with him (read: poor fit, he didn't like you).
Anyhow, your attitude is great and something else will open up for you. There's a saying: "rejection is a form of protection." Good luck to you!
cdsavannah59, CNA
244 Posts
A new DON who probably finds a little joy in terminating new nurses to make them feel inferior in their nursing skills. Trust how you felt when you said you felt a calmness sweep over you after being terminated. He would of made your job miserable.
43 Posts
you have a great attitude and you have to know that you will fit somewhere and succeed stay positive and you will find the job that suits you good luck