I have insomnia!!!

Nurses General Nursing


Ugh...This is awful. I can not sleep! I have been up since 2:30 and I have tried to do everything that I could do. Minimal lighting, ironing, laundry. I went back to bed and tried to meditate my way to sleepiness but it just didn't work. I have been avoiding the computer because once I am on I can not get off!

Anyways, I have to work at 7:00 and now I am getting scared b/c I haven't slept. Sometimes when I am tired like this I can get by, but other times it feels like I have gotten run over by a Mac Truck.

Anyone else been in this situation? :eek:

Ugh...This is awful. I can not sleep! I have been up since 2:30 and I have tried to do everything that I could do. Minimal lighting, ironing, laundry. I went back to bed and tried to meditate my way to sleepiness but it just didn't work. I have been avoiding the computer because once I am on I can not get off!

Anyways, I have to work at 7:00 and now I am getting scared b/c I haven't slept. Sometimes when I am tired like this I can get by, but other times it feels like I have gotten run over by a Mac Truck.

Anyone else been in this situation? :eek:

Can't sleep either.:o

Sorry you have insomnia... I have it some days too.... have you tried Valerian Root. It smells awful but it works... settles your brain, makes you drowsy and allows you to stay asleep for a good 4-6 hours. No hangover feeling the next day. I am going thru menapause and have insomnia off and on and didn't want to try any of the meds like ambien or lunesta... my doc said to try valerian root and see what happens... I take 2 caps and poof... in about 20 mins...its sleepy time....

Now that its almost 5 am... try the new MDX ..mountain dew energy drink... sugar free, caffeine free... works like a charm!!!

Sorry you have insomnia... I have it some days too.... have you tried Valerian Root. It smells awful but it works... settles your brain, makes you drowsy and allows you to stay asleep for a good 4-6 hours. No hangover feeling the next day. I am going thru menapause and have insomnia off and on and didn't want to try any of the meds like ambien or lunesta... my doc said to try valerian root and see what happens... I take 2 caps and poof... in about 20 mins...its sleepy time....

Now that its almost 5 am... try the new MDX ..mountain dew energy drink... sugar free, caffeine free... works like a charm!!!

I've tried Valerian Root a long time ago but OMG, the smell, the aftertaste! But maybe I'll give it another go.

Those energy drinks don't do a thing for me.

BTW, I have tried Rx for sleep, but despite promises to the contrary, they make me sleepy all the next day.

Specializes in Case Management, Home Health, UM.

My son, who is 28, has suffered from insomnia for years. Two weeks ago he finally went to see a sleep specialist who not only confirmed his diagnosis, but also told him that he has sleep apnea. Even though he's now taking Ambien and getting more sleep, he still complains of waking up feeling "beaten up". He's waiting on the paperwork to get his sleep study scheduled, and I hope he qualifies for CPAP or BIPAP. He's WAY too young to be going through this, but when you are married to someone who wants to do nothing but

sit around (did I say sit??), make babies and demand the very best of everything, including a fully loaded Chevrolet Yukon, complete with leather interior (who in the world needs a truck with leather interior, with three kids and a dog, anyway??? :uhoh3:) My DIL is like the woman in that old song performed by Wham!: "Everything She Wants"...."My best is not good enough...I don't know what the hell you want from me". He's deep in debt as a result, and the only thing that has kept him from losing everything is the contract work he does on the side as a web designer, in addition to his regular job as an IT Director. No wonder he can't sleep! But, "Love is Blind", as they say, and I've given up trying to reason with him. I guess he is just going to have to find out for himself the hard way...as I did. And, believe me, losing your home is NO fun! :o

Specializes in Psych, Med/Surg, LTC.

I hate insomnia! I used to take Valerian Root (tastes/smells awful!) and Melatonin. The combo made me drowsy, but not enough to sleep. I tried Ambien 5 mg a few times, and it had NO effect. Good luck getting some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's.


As a night shift nurse for 15 plus years I have had my share of insomnia!

Plus, I just did a unit teaching project on insomnia, and learned some things that might help.

There is so much information out there now, it is becoming a national health "spotlight" and be sure to keep trying till you find some help.

Take some of the self assessment tests you can find on the web and then go talk to your MD. Insomnia can be related to cardiac dx, DM, prescription medications, sleep apnea, PTSD, recreational substances (no one here does that) mealtimes, caffeine, too much or not enough exercise, GERD and more.

The best way I have found to take the valerian is in the Sleepy-time "extra" tea by Celestial Seasonings. You may need to look in the health food section, but most grocery stores carry it. The "extra" version (or some synonym) has higher doses of valerain and also contains chamomile and I think kava. At any rate it is a little more palatable than straight valerian.

Also, Benedryl is pretty effective for a lot of folks, if you don't have a paradoxical response and get more wired.

Here is a nice web site: "just close your eyes and forget about it" http://www.well.com/user/mick/insomnia

Don't let the name put you off, it does have lots of sleep hygiene hints that actually work!

Some antidepressants such as trazadone or pamelor have been effective: if you have racing or intrusive thoughts a small dose of risperdal or even a small dose of mood stablizer such as neurontin can be effective.Some of the newer sleep meds such as lunesta or ambien have helped with less of a "hangover" effect than the longer lasting restoril.

Most of this info is evidence based...there was a study or two as well that shows relaxation music with or without a relaxation voice over was moderately effective.

If you put together a "menu" or sleep plan with all of these elements including prescription meds if needed, you might find a combination that is effective for you.

Good Luck!

Specializes in Med-Tele, ICU.

I've had insomnia on and off for MANY years! I've tried OTC stuff (Benadryl, Nytol, Sominex, Melatonin), just ended up hungover or wired (esp with Benadryl). Ambien does not work for me. One of our internists was nice enough to give me a Rx for Lunesta recently (all the advertising on TV got me interested). It seems to be working well. I don't have to take it every night, generally just the days that I work (7a-7p). No hangover effect...and it works fast.

I know we're not supposed to give each other medical advice, so I'll just say see your MD about your insomnia. Seems like different things work in different ways for different people.

Good luck!!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

I've been sleep distrubed my whole life. So I can relate.

What is aggravated me now is besides my own sleep disturbance now I allow my two dogs to sleep with me, and when I'm asleep they wake me up. Add that to the times I can't sleep myself and I'm always in a fog. :)

I've been sleep distrubed my whole life. So I can relate.

What is aggravated me now is besides my own sleep disturbance now I allow my two dogs to sleep with me, and when I'm asleep they wake me up. Add that to the times I can't sleep myself and I'm always in a fog. :)

I allow my husband to sleep with me. Same problem.;)

I am going to the doctor on Thurs. I have tried lots of OTC and Rx - haven't found the right thing yet. I know it's partially hormonal.

I had an INTENSE period of insomnia @ 2 years ago, and my MD was concerned about depression. I was afraid to take anything, even though I have struggled w/depression all my life. I finally gave in b/c it was now affecting my physical health. Turns out she was absolutely right. I sleep like a baby now and my depression is under control. In fact, without tx I would not have been able to make the move to go to nursing school.

So if the problem persists, check it out w/your MD. I will never regret doing so. I hope you find a solution. Good luck!

The most common psychiatric reason for insomnia is depression.

Insomnia is a symptom of depression.

People who smoke often have insomnia also.

I have, also, found that people who do not have regular exercise patterns are often plagued by insomnia.

Excercise relieves stress, aleviates depression, and improves ventilation.

All of the same improves sleep patterns.

There are many other medical and pyschiatric reasons for insomnia.

However, I suggest that you consult a MD if the aforementioned non-medical therapies are not effective.

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