I got 78 questions, is that weird?


So I just took my nclex this morning. I was expecting the test to end at 75, so when it went on I thought I'd be getting a bunch more. Three more and it ended, to my surprise. I felt good after the test, but confused. I guess it could mean anything, right? ....and now the wait begins.

Good luck, I hope you will be posting soon telling us you have passed the NCLEX. I tested on Tue with 95 Q and just found out I passed. :roll

Yep - could mean anything. Not super unusual. Good luck on your results! Let us know.

Specializes in trauma ICU,TNCC, NRP, PALS, ACLS.

It is not that weird to get 78, the only thing that matters is that you pass your test. the best of luck. Just found out I passed. I took mine on tuesday!! I am so happy!! I have been going a-wall for the last two days. But it was worth it. I am officially registered and licensed to practice.

I also took mine today and got 78 questions. I felt like I got questions I knew nothing about. I also thought it was odd to end on that number. The only question I felt okay on was the last one.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

WOOHOO!!!! I passed. So just as everyone has said, you can't really tell from the number of questions. Thanks everyone for the advice and support.



I am honestly afraid to look. I have convinced myself that I have failed.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.


My feelings were all over the place. I felt good the second I finished, However, the more I thought about the test and questions, I became more pessimistic.

I hope you passed princess.


I can't believe I'm saying this, by I PASSED too!! I haven't had the heart to look, even though results have been available since Saturday. I finally had my son look while I looked away (I guess similar to pulling off a Band-Aid). The feelings that I had been holding onto overtook me, and I haven't stopped crying. What an emotional roller coaster.

Good luck to you in your career, RN!

Congrats!!! What a load off our backs. I found out one of my friends also passed with 78, so I guess it's not that weird.

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