I got the job!


Finally after over two long weeks of waiting and applying back in March I was notified today I got the job as a full-time school nurse at a middle school 7&8 grade with out 850 students! I accepted!I've never been a school nurse. I've only subbed at all the different schools in the district for a short amount of time. Any tips and advice would be extremely welcomed! I haven't signed the contract yet, but I will start August 6, but there is also a few days in the summer I have to be present for staff training, diabetes class, and immunization clinics. I know somewhat to expect, I know our district does vision and hearing on new students that come from different district and then vision for 7th grade students. In addition they make sure students are compliant with immunizations. Take care of kids with acute and chronic conditions. They handle staff situations along with things for our work insurance. Anything else I'm missing? But please give me tips about anything even if you think it's minute. Thanks guys! I'm so glad to be joining all y'all!

Specializes in School Nurse.

Congratulations!!! Don't worry, you got this.

Congratulations!!! Don't worry, you got this.

Thank you!

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

Congratulations!! Welcome to the farm!!

Specializes in kids.

Yay for you!!!

Congrats!! Definitely do not be a stranger around here- this place is where you will get all your questions answered! Which state will you be practicing in? How long do you have between August 6 and when students begin?

Congrats! I'm finishing my first year as a school nurse. You'll get the hang of it. For me, the biggest adjustments (going from hospital to school setting):

1) school/parent politics

2) figuring out which kids are frequent flyers, and how to get them out of the office and back into class (I also work at a building with 7th and 8th graders).

The actual nursing part of it? You'll be good. Don't ever second-guess yourself for calling a parent, better to have them get their kids checked out when not needed than the other way around.

you'll love the schedule!

Take every office visit seriously. You may experience classroom avoidance Monday, and then on Tuesday it turns into a same day appendectomy or retinal detachment case.

Congrats!! Definitely do not be a stranger around here- this place is where you will get all your questions answered! Which state will you be practicing in? How long do you have between August 6 and when students begin?

Students start August 8! I'm in Ohio!


you'll love the schedule!

Yes. The student hours are from 8:20-3:20. I think the nurse before me got there at 7:45 and left at 3:45. I haven't signed my contract for the position so

I'm sure I'll know my hours then!

Congratulations!!! Let us know how it goes

Congratulations!!! Let us know how it goes

Thank you! I sure will!

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