I Got In!!!

Specialties CRNA


I just received notification that I was accepted to Samford in Birmingham, AL!

I am so excited! I still have 2 interviews left at UAB and MCG, but it's nice to know I've already been accepted elsewhere. Thank you to everyone on the board for posting all the wonderful advice, it seems it has paid off. Anyone else accepted to Samford?

Specializes in Operating Room.

Congrats! :) ....and good luck!

I just received notification that I was accepted to Samford in Birmingham, AL!

I am so excited! I still have 2 interviews left at UAB and MCG, but it's nice to know I've already been accepted elsewhere. Thank you to everyone on the board for posting all the wonderful advice, it seems it has paid off. Anyone else accepted to Samford?

Specializes in SICU, Anesthesia.

Way to go. I look forward to seeing you in June. I sent you a PM.


I just received notification that I was accepted to Samford in Birmingham, AL!

I am so excited! I still have 2 interviews left at UAB and MCG, but it's nice to know I've already been accepted elsewhere. Thank you to everyone on the board for posting all the wonderful advice, it seems it has paid off. Anyone else accepted to Samford?

I just received notification that I was accepted to Samford in Birmingham, AL!

I am so excited! I still have 2 interviews left at UAB and MCG, but it's nice to know I've already been accepted elsewhere. Thank you to everyone on the board for posting all the wonderful advice, it seems it has paid off. Anyone else accepted to Samford?

Congrats, jrec! :balloons:

I hope you choose Samford, it's a great place!

Sprout :nurse:

jrec, I was accepted at Samford also...Congratulations.. Like you, I have an interview with UAB in February. I most likely will decide to attend Samford though. I cannot wait until June. I have been preparing for this for several years and it has finally come to fruition. WOW what a feeling.. In addition, thanks to all who post on this website. I have lurked for almost two years and have gained much insight into the interviewing process. Hope to see ya soon :)


Congratulations to you as well! I interview at UAB on Monday, but I too am leaning toward attending Samford. Which day did you interview at Samford, just thought I might have seen you there? Do you know anyone else that made the cut at Samford?

Congrats! Please keep the allnurses crew posted.

All the best.:)


Congrats on your acceptance!! Samford is a great university and has a beautiful campus!!


I interviewed on Monday, the first day. I thought the interviews were pretty laid back and the faculty were down to earth. I only know of one other person that interviewed at Samford, but made the alternate list.

I just received notification that I was accepted to Samford in Birmingham, AL!

I am so excited! I still have 2 interviews left at UAB and MCG, but it's nice to know I've already been accepted elsewhere. Thank you to everyone on the board for posting all the wonderful advice, it seems it has paid off. Anyone else accepted to Samford?

If you go to Samford watch out for Trauma Tom and Sprout RN, they love to haze the newcomers. If they ask you to carry their books for them just ignore them. Ha Ha Ha.

Good luck wherever you go.

If you go to Samford watch out for Trauma Tom and Sprout RN, they love to haze the newcomers. If they ask you to carry their books for them just ignore them. Ha Ha Ha.

Good luck wherever you go.

Thanks for the warning, I'll certainly be on the lookout for those two.:uhoh3:

Specializes in SICU, Anesthesia.


First and foremost let me congratulate you on your acceptance to Samford. I hope you enjoy Samford as much as I do. As for sproutsfriend's comments, try to ignore them. He's just jealous that no one will carry his books for him. Although it might be due to the fact he keeps a library of books in the trunk of his car.

Thanks for the warning, I'll certainly be on the lookout for those two.:uhoh3:
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