I finally PASSED my NCLEX-RN exam!!!

Nursing Students NCLEX


I am so excited to finally be able to say that I am an RN!!! It's been a long journey and I would like to share it with all of you. I come from a long family of nurses; three aunts, my mother, three cousins, my brother and his girlfriend, it is in my blood! Not many people know this but I made it through nursing school with a reading disability and Epilepsy. However, I have never been the type of person that passes everything on the first try. I was always a "B" student in school but was very determined with a strong work ethic. It took me two tries for my driver's license, nursing school, and FIVE tries to pass the nclex-rn.

I graduated in December of 2009 in New York and struggled with passing my exam for over a year. I failed the first time 151, then 256 the second and third time (very close), then 152 the fourth time. I took a break for a few months, got married and decided to give it another go. I felt like I was never going to pass but knew nursing was for me and that I could not imagine doing anything else. This time however was very different.

On Friday March 18th 2011, I passed the boards with 265 questions in 4.5 hrs. I tried the Pearson Vue Trick, and yes it has worked for me every time- I finally got the "good popup" and paid the seven dollars for my results just to make sure, and it was a PASS!!! Finally! This time around, I studied five days a week after work for about five- six hours. I did about 3,000 questions when studying this time. I went to a PESI HealthCare conference that was about 6 hours based on pediatric health problems (illness and heart/lung disease). I also had a private tutor for the three Sundays before the exam that really helped and gave me confidence. If I can pass this exam, then anyone can and no one should give up on their dreams!!! Remember, it is just a test and does not prove how good of a nurse you will actually be, and you can always retake the exam so no one should stop trying. :redpinkhe

I studied about infection control, lab values, triage, mnemonics, pharmacology, prioritization and delegation.

The books that helped me pass the NCLEX-RN:

1. Kaplan NCLEX-RN 2010-2011 Edition: strategies, practice, and Review: Birds eye view of NCLEX exam. Will give you strategies for questions (read through twice).

2. Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN 4th edition: Most important book, do all pharmacology questions for each section and focus on ENDOCRINE.

3. Prioritization, Delegation and Assignment: Practice Exercises for the NCLEX Examination: VERY, VERY Important book!!! Most of the NCLEX is priority and delegation so do all of the questions ch 1-18

4. NCLEX-RN Exam Cram (2nd Edition): Good for content review and helps with endurance of answering questions. (memorize the CRAM SHEET in the front, it is a life saver!!)

5.Kaplan NCLEX-RN Reviewer MP3: free download can be found online, listen to for content, pharmacology and math

6. Memory Notebook of Nursing: EXCELLENT content and mnemonics review (perfect for the visual learner!!)

CD's to practice:

1. Saunders most important!! Do as many pharmacology questions as possible!!!

2. Exam Force

3. Nclex 3500 for content

Addisons: hyponatremia, hyperkalemia

Cushings: hypernatremia, hypokalemia



*Know symptoms for each, and what sets them apart from each other

Heparin -PTT (7 letters plus 3 equals 10)

Coumadin- PT (8 letters plus 2 equals 10)

1. Keep your patient SAFE and ALIVE!!!

2. Remember ABC's

3. Always pick the least invasive answer!

4. Don't tie patients up

5. If something can be done without drugs first that is probably the answer

6. Do not choose the answer that would delay treatment, kill or harm the patient

7. The patient has 100% right to their healthcare

8. Eliminate answers that say always, never (nothing in nursing is ever that certain)

9. Like patients can be placed in the same room (know isolation precautions)

10. Know medication endings (B-Block (olo)l, Ace(pril), p pump (zole), etc ) and side effects

11. Know basic lab values

12. ROME: respiratory opposite, metabolic equal

13. Pain never kills a patient

hmmmm,is it possible for your private tutor to reach me?I'm here in California..if so,how much will it cost me?pm me pls..here's my [email protected]..=)



Wounderful ,u did a great job without hesitation.

Thax for sharing ur experience.

. Thanks! I am on my third try :( So I know how you feel! I am sticking with it though cause i want this SO bad! Any advice would be so helpful! thanks and congratulations!

I was deeply moved by your story. I am preparing to take my NCLEX RN exam , God knows how many times i took it but failed. I I really appreciate it .


Hi, I am a new member of this website, and was reading your story. I am glad you did not give up, b/c if you would have given up, you wouldn't be a nurse today. I am scheduled to take the NCLEX next month and I am doing, Kaplan, Saunder's, and Lippincott, and still don't feel half way there. thank you very much for sharing your long but worth journy. :yeah:congrats!!!

I am on my 4th try So I know how you feel! I am sticking with it though cause i want this SO bad! Any advice would be so helpful! thanks and congratulations!

Hi there..thanks a lot for sharing your nclex experience. I will be taking my nclex again either december this year or Jan next year and I hope I'll pass too! I am very much interested about the online resource you mentioned for the nclex exam cram.I also had my books for self-review (Kaplan, Lippincott, La charity, Mosby, etc....no Saunders yet).

Congratulations on passing the nclex! God bless

Hi KLudRN,

Can you please give me info about private tutor in NY/NJ area.

[email protected]


thanks kludrn,i think im gonna ask this site...=)

I have taken the RN NCLEX four times, 2 times in 2010 after graduation and 2 times this year. Before I took it the 4th time I found your article, and it has inspired me to keep on taking it. I have a hard time retaining and understanding information, and I feel like I have a learning disability although, I have never been diagnosed. I went through high school with a C average. I went to nursing school in my late 40's and early 50's with a B avrage. Soooo, I am about to go and take it again for the 5th time. I have used all of the study material you have listed on your post in the past, so, I quess I will continue to use it. One day I will be able to post that I passed too. Thank you for the inspiration!!!

Hi i just started a new job, iam so stressed out, i really want the experience and

Really im a good nurse. It is an icu job iam having trouble passing the hospital critical care exam i have taken

It twice i have one more chance please pray for me i have been a nurse for almost 4 years and ihave a history of failing

Exams i had to retake my board three times please help with motivation

I am so scares n worried i get butterflies n blank out pleSe help

Hi All,

am new to this site and planning to take the exam by Jan next year , i started studying saunders edition 4, just i need few more of review materials which i can freely download or if anyone can share some links would be great, though i still have enough time but its bit stressful as doing self review and working at the same time is kinda difficult , to those who passed the exams congratulations and hope to hearing some tips from you and those who failed just keep trying and keep the faith..

All the best to everyone!!!

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