I finally PASSED my NCLEX-RN exam!!!

Nursing Students NCLEX


I am so excited to finally be able to say that I am an RN!!! It's been a long journey and I would like to share it with all of you. I come from a long family of nurses; three aunts, my mother, three cousins, my brother and his girlfriend, it is in my blood! Not many people know this but I made it through nursing school with a reading disability and Epilepsy. However, I have never been the type of person that passes everything on the first try. I was always a "B" student in school but was very determined with a strong work ethic. It took me two tries for my driver's license, nursing school, and FIVE tries to pass the nclex-rn.

I graduated in December of 2009 in New York and struggled with passing my exam for over a year. I failed the first time 151, then 256 the second and third time (very close), then 152 the fourth time. I took a break for a few months, got married and decided to give it another go. I felt like I was never going to pass but knew nursing was for me and that I could not imagine doing anything else. This time however was very different.

On Friday March 18th 2011, I passed the boards with 265 questions in 4.5 hrs. I tried the Pearson Vue Trick, and yes it has worked for me every time- I finally got the "good popup" and paid the seven dollars for my results just to make sure, and it was a PASS!!! Finally! This time around, I studied five days a week after work for about five- six hours. I did about 3,000 questions when studying this time. I went to a PESI HealthCare conference that was about 6 hours based on pediatric health problems (illness and heart/lung disease). I also had a private tutor for the three Sundays before the exam that really helped and gave me confidence. If I can pass this exam, then anyone can and no one should give up on their dreams!!! Remember, it is just a test and does not prove how good of a nurse you will actually be, and you can always retake the exam so no one should stop trying. :redpinkhe

I studied about infection control, lab values, triage, mnemonics, pharmacology, prioritization and delegation.

The books that helped me pass the NCLEX-RN:

1. Kaplan NCLEX-RN 2010-2011 Edition: strategies, practice, and Review: Birds eye view of NCLEX exam. Will give you strategies for questions (read through twice).

2. Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN 4th edition: Most important book, do all pharmacology questions for each section and focus on ENDOCRINE.

3. Prioritization, Delegation and Assignment: Practice Exercises for the NCLEX Examination: VERY, VERY Important book!!! Most of the NCLEX is priority and delegation so do all of the questions ch 1-18

4. NCLEX-RN Exam Cram (2nd Edition): Good for content review and helps with endurance of answering questions. (memorize the CRAM SHEET in the front, it is a life saver!!)

5.Kaplan NCLEX-RN Reviewer MP3: free download can be found online, listen to for content, pharmacology and math

6. Memory Notebook of Nursing: EXCELLENT content and mnemonics review (perfect for the visual learner!!)

CD's to practice:

1. Saunders most important!! Do as many pharmacology questions as possible!!!

2. Exam Force

3. Nclex 3500 for content

Addisons: hyponatremia, hyperkalemia

Cushings: hypernatremia, hypokalemia



*Know symptoms for each, and what sets them apart from each other

Heparin -PTT (7 letters plus 3 equals 10)

Coumadin- PT (8 letters plus 2 equals 10)

1. Keep your patient SAFE and ALIVE!!!

2. Remember ABC's

3. Always pick the least invasive answer!

4. Don't tie patients up

5. If something can be done without drugs first that is probably the answer

6. Do not choose the answer that would delay treatment, kill or harm the patient

7. The patient has 100% right to their healthcare

8. Eliminate answers that say always, never (nothing in nursing is ever that certain)

9. Like patients can be placed in the same room (know isolation precautions)

10. Know medication endings (B-Block (olo)l, Ace(pril), p pump (zole), etc ) and side effects

11. Know basic lab values

12. ROME: respiratory opposite, metabolic equal

13. Pain never kills a patient

Naydine and awright1.... PLEASE don't lose hope!!! I did not pass until my fifth attempt. It IS POSSIBLE!!! Don't get down on yourself.... it is easy to do. I know from experience. HOWEVER, with perseverance and diligence it can be done and passed!!! Don't worry about your classmates and what others think of you, you have come this far and you can overcome this bump in the road. The timing might not be what you have planned, but if you believed in yourself throughout nursing school, believe in yourself that YOU CAN pass this exam!!! I found that Kim's self-review was helpful in reigniting my drive and desire. I also have a post in here which might also be inspirational. You chose this path for a reason, so don't let this throw you off of your path!!! YOU CAN DO IT, and it doesn't matter how many times you have to take this darn test!!! Go back after it like it's the first time and like you have never wanted it so badly in your life..... If you need help or advice, please feel free to contact me. You will get TONS of support from this site also, so DON'T GIVE UP!!! :nurse::tinkbll:

First,I want to Congratulate you!!! you deserved it...i am also trying to pass the Nclex exam..and i hope i can pass it this time..i didn't schedule yet coz i can't focus reviewing due to my responsibilities as a mother to my 10 mos old baby..a housewife and as private nurse to my in-laws..sometimes,i'm already too tired to open my notes after doing all the household chores and my baby..but i really admire your courage and perseverance to achieve your goal to become a full pledge RN.I hope i could concentrate like you did..i get easily disappointed when i failed my first try that's why..=( how many months did you prepare yourself to take your exam when you finally hit it?i don't when will be the right time for me to take it..i'm soo scared to fail again..i hope you can advise me some more..thanks..

I used a private tutor if you would like her information please pm me and I will give that to you.

First,I want to Congratulate you!!! you deserved it...i am also trying to pass the Nclex exam..and i hope i can pass it this time..i didn't schedule yet coz i can't focus reviewing due to my responsibilities as a mother to my 10 mos old baby..a housewife and as private nurse to my in-laws..sometimes,i'm already too tired to open my notes after doing all the household chores and my baby..but i really admire your courage and perseverance to achieve your goal to become a full pledge RN.I hope i could concentrate like you did..i get easily disappointed when i failed my first try that's why..=( how many months did you prepare yourself to take your exam when you finally hit it?i don't when will be the right time for me to take it..i'm soo scared to fail again..i hope you can advise me some more..thanks..

The NCLEX is nothing to be afraid of. Remeber you can take it as many times as you want (ever 45 days) and only have to pass it ONCE. I focused on mainly one study material the saunders cd, and used the other material for knowledge review. If you go to my original post and memorize my mneumonics and precautions you should be fine. The best way to prepare for the exam is to set the date and make an easy to follow daily schedual of what to accomplish (150q, 200q...etc) first time I studied for 4 months, wited 45days between the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th times. I then took time off for family, got married began to study agin after the new year for one month and had a tutor on the weekends and passed on my 5th try. Anything can happen just study a few hours every day and you will be a rn before you know it

Congrats to you. :nurse: I have taken the nclex once and failed I went by the Kaplan study plan and thought I was prepared, but realized that I wasn't. Right now Im so discouraged. How did u organize your material to study from the different resources u used.

Congrats to you. :nurse: I have taken the nclex once and failed I went by the Kaplan study plan and thought I was prepared, but realized that I wasn't. Right now Im so discouraged. How did u organize your material to study from the different resources u used.

Use the above/below pass report sheet to focus on your weak areas. Study from one main book/cd doing many many questions. I found saunders to be the most helpful. Go to my original post and read my study outline. Review airborn,droplet, contact precations and the common assosiated illnesses that go along with them. Print out the exam cram sheet found in the previous posts and memorized the entire sheet. Remember the nclex is testing you as a entry level new graduate nurse and. Does not expect you to know everything. Just answer the questions to the best of your ability making sure you choose the answer the nclex wants(it is not based off of real word nursing, you have all the time in the world for your patients). Don't get discouraged just take it one day at a time and. Focus on one study material. If you get overwhelmed ask your friends for help or for famly to quiz you. Best of luck to you

Hi everyone I just took the Nclex yesterday n I didn't pass =(((( this is my second try n I thought I had done well but when I did the Pearson trick it shows that I didn't. I realllllly need help. KLudRN you mention knowing a tutor could you kindly give me the tutor number I'm desperate n I am also looking for study partners =) I am determine to pass the NCLEX n hopefully third time is the charm.

Congrats!!! I feel your pain on not passing the 1st or 2nd time. Im studying for the third time. Thank you for your inspirational story!

Congrates, hard work and perseverance will work in the end. God bless. I also passed my Rn boards after many years of failing but i didn't give up. I prayed and i gave it over to God. My dream finally came true.

Don't be discourged. Some people take longer than others to pass at a lot of things. It' s just that our failures are national news. It sucks but when you do pass the national news of passing out ways the times before you failed. keep you head up and trust God. He is your source.

Thank you all for your encouragement =)

I am looking for study partners I want to take back the test in a mnth I am going to beat NCLEX RN

hello congratulations. im trying to pass nclex. this will be my third time. failed it twice and i don't know where to start again. reading your post inspired me a lot. Thanks

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