Published Dec 5, 2003
live4today, RN
5,099 Posts
It has taken me the better part of this afternoon and evening to finally type up the letter to send to "the powers that be" at my former place of employment. It was not an easy letter to write, but one that had to be done...IMHPO.
Now, I can move on and concentrate on the next political step in my goal to bring the issues in nursing to the forefront before politicians, the media, and all who need to know.
It is a little past midnight, I'm beat and crossed eyed about now, and therefore..............Nighty night sibs! :kiss :zzzzz :zzzzz
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
Sleep well. Kudos to you!
bellehill, RN
566 Posts
I admire what you are doing. You had a bad situation at work and instead of feeling sorry for yourself you removed yourself from the situation and are trying to do something about it. What a great idea for you and nurses everywhere. Keep us posted on your progress!
20,964 Posts
I hope your efforts prove fruitful. You keep on striving......way to go.
Thanks sibs! Your well wishes are greatly appreciated and very much needed. I will do right by nurses. I am one. I will always be one. I will never give up on making things better for us in "Anytown, USA".
Nurses need to get a backbone in order for us to pull through the damage being done to our career. We are our patients first line of defense, so it's only natural (and evil) that we would be the ones targeted to prevent healthcare from being all it can be for the sick, the dying, and those trying to maintain preventive health for themselves.
I think one of our biggest battles to fight is healthcare insurance companies. The BIGGEST battle of it all is mankind's need to be greedy and selfish to the point of not caring who gets hurt as long as what one wants is gained...kept...preserved.
I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands of nurses across the USA alone who are compassionate, caring, and wonderful in what we do with our patients. We have to fight to get this back. Our patients need us to fight for them, for ourselves, and to make things right again. :)
FranEMTnurse, CNA, LPN, EMT-I
3,619 Posts
Very well put, and we love you for that. You are a true nurse activist. Go Cheerful, Go!
ceecel.dee, MSN, RN
869 Posts
I did that too. It did help, as the board decided to hire an outside ethics committee to deal with the situation that the docs themselves did not have the stomach to deal with. Major changes in attitudes about what nurses have to say and new physician behavior policy.
If it is ultimately what is right, and what is best/safest for patients, you will prevail and make a difference!