I shouldn't feel guilty, right?


I've been sick since Thursday with flu-like symptoms. I was scheduled to work 1900-2300 at my nursing home job tonight, but I took my temp and found I still have a fever.

I know I did the right thing by calling out.

1. Whatever I have is nasty and contagious

2. I tried to go to my EMT job yesterday, but got sent home the second my boss saw me

So my residents did not need me to get them sick with this, but I still I feel so guilty! Plus they thought I was probably lying since it's a holiday. Ugh. I hate calling out.

I would feel guiltier about getting an elderly person sick--their immune systems aren't stellar. Sickness lingers and lingers and lingers for them sometimes.

I'm positive your boss does indeed think that you called off for the holiday--bad time to be sick. Hope you feel better soon.

Specializes in Neuro, Telemetry.

Right now pneumonia is going around the LTC I work at like wildfire. Well, not pneumonia of course since thats not contagious, but the respiratory illness going around is turning into pneumonia in just about every resident who catches it. One resident has already passed from pneumonia after being one of the first to get the respiratory bug. Two others have had it recur more than once. And as soon as it seems like everyone is on the mend, someone else gets sick. It started because a registry Aid came to work with a nasty sounding cold. She was sent home halfway through the shift when the nurses realized just how bad it was. Then a little less then a week later, a couple residents start coughing and bam.

Basicall, No. Do NOT feel bad about not going into work with flu-like symptoms and a fever. You will likely kick this illness soon. The residents you work with are highly likely to become very ill from you. Your work can think youre aking all you want. If you have insurance r a low cost urgent care, maybe just go in to get a Dr note about being sick. I don't know how your place of employment works, but at mine if you miss your scheduled Holiday (we have a Holiday rotation so someone doesnt end up working most Holidays), they can make you work the next one. Also, if you miss a weekend day of work, you are automatically placed on the schedule for the next weekend. The way around this is with a Dr. note showing valid sickness. If your employer doesn;t work like that then don't worry about it. you know you did the right thing.

No. Do NOT feel guilty. You are protecting the residents that you care for, who already have weakened immune systems. Yes, your employer will likely think you were just calling off for the holiday, but they would be wrong. Get a doctor's note, if possible (Yes, I do realize how ridiculous going to the doctor just to get a note is, especially when you work in healthcare.) and, unfortunately, deal with whatever consequences come your way. You cannot control when you get sick, and as a caretaker you have the responsibility to do your best to protect those you care for, even if that means removing your presence from them. Feel better!

Working without a legitimately ill staff member versus having a whole unit of ill residents who caught the illness from said staff member...seems like a no-brainer to me. As someone else said, get a doctor's note to cover yourself, and if it is really that big of a deal with your 2nd boss, have them contact your other job to verify. Never feel guilty about healing yourself so you can be there for your patients when you're well.

Specializes in Long term care.

yep, get a doctor's note to prove you were sick and to get the ok to go back.

The facility I work at REQUIRES a note from the doctor if out more than 2 days and if you've had a fever.

If you can't get an appointment, go to the walk in. Probably a good idea anyway since you were running a fever!! :specs:

Thank you all for the responses!

When I called, they just asked for some details about what was wrong with me and if I'd be able to make my next shift. That was it. Nothing about a doctors note nor did I get any questions when I came in for my next shift. I'm thinking the doctors note is no longer necessary, especially this far after the fact (unless there's an unspoken protocol I'm not aware of).

I have a feeling they're not uptight about calling out/returning to work after calling out. The administration has enough on its plate that they seen to be choosing their battles carefully, but that's a topic for another thread....

Specializes in Long term care.

I still would have gone to get a doctors note. They may not ask for it, but it most certainly LOOKS better and proves you weren't foolin around.

~it keeps your integrity intact!

Debating to call out...woke up with staph infection in the eye, sore throat, no fever, chills/body aches, and a headache. 12 hour shift today followed by a 16, then 2x8's.

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