I failed the nclex

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi all,

I just found out this morning that I failed the nclex-rn at 186 questions. I have never felt more humiliated and embarassed than I do right now. I had to call my family and tell them the bad news and they were all in complete shock. I also had to call the hospital where I was already hired and tell them that I did not pass.

I knew the nclex would be extremely difficult and I studied for about 3 weeks by reading the saunders book front to back. I also took all of the tests after each chapter. I also read the kaplan book and took the book and cd quiz. Now I have to wait 90 days to retake it.

I passed nursing school with flying colors and was known as a great test taker. I had all A's and B's and graduated with a 3.6 gpa. Many of my friends who did not get great grades passed the nclex.

I would just like some encouragement and advice from anyone! I feel like this is the lowest point I have ever been at in my life. I have never failed at anything. I have no idea how I am suppose to take it again and actually pass.....please help!!



hi kayla,

i also just found out today that i didn't pass and I am from Colorado. You and I are in the same boat. We just have to hang in there and we will pass it the second time. I also haven't decided which review I am going to use I was thinking either Kaplan or Suzanne's plan. I have heard a lot of good things about her plan. I just don't know I am completely devistated right now as I am sure you are too. Also is it really 90 days before we can retake it. I heard 45 but I could be wrong. anyway just wanted to let you know that my sister and I are in the same boat and we should all stick together. Hang in there

Sorry, to hear that you or your sister did not pass either! Colorado sucks!! just kidding...I'm also trying to figure out what to do now. In the back of the Kaplan book it says that you have to wait 90 days in order to be elligible to take the test in colorado again. That means you completely reapply to the SBON and they will not issue you an ATT until the 90 days is up. Then you have to pay again on pearsonvue.com.

I am also thinking of doing suzanne's plan and/or Kaplan also. I have heard many great things about kaplan. The only classes they are offering right now in CO are in december and january.

I am definitley devastated right now, but I am trying to be positive as hard as it is. I have recieved lots of great advide from the wonderful people online. It definitely isn't the end of the world but it sure feels like it! Let's stick together and encourage one another through this trial. I do have hope and I believe that we will pass the 2nd time around!!

I am sorry to hear that you did not make it ...

However, it's not the end of the world ! You'll get 2nd time. Not passing the NCLEX on your first try does not mean that you are going to be a 'bad nurse' , it simply means that you'll need to study a little bit more. After all, it's only a test.

I would strongly advise you this time do as many NCLEZ type Qs as possible (I did around 40000 b4 I took it). Next thing is – don’t be in a rush to retake it ASAP. Set a time frame for yourself for studying, meaning, think for a minute " How many weeks do I need to do >= 4000 Q and review content again. You'll have to study every day ! Cramming for the NCLEX does not work for everybody. Therefore, taking your time and get ready for 2nd try is crucial. Don't listen to those who say that 2, 3, or 4 weeks of studying is enough b/c we all different. Thus, set your own timeframe for studying and than you'll feel more confident about yourself.

Kaplan Q - bank online helped me a lot. From all of the materials that I used for studying, I found Kaplan's Q-bank being the most close to the NCLEX type Qs, and Sounder's book - being very valuable for the content review.

Keep in mind, that Qs from Sounders are more knowledge based type Qs, and I thought that they were too easy for me, whereas, Kaplan Qs were more challenging and, to me, looked more like a real test.

I gave myself 8 weeks to get ready for NCLEX, and I did at least 100 Qs

every day. I passed on my 1st try with 75 Qs.

Good luck ! Do not give up !

I Took Nclex And Pc Shut Off At 235 Questionjs,

I Thought I Failed But Passed

I Know The Anxiety And The Horrible Feeling

I Did "med S Publishing Nclex Rn Exam Essentials 11th Ed By Patricia A Hoefler And Did Kaplan Practice Questions

I Suggest Study The Medications Side Effects, And The Med Surge Part The Most.

And Pray Before You Test And Ask God For Help

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