I dropped chem and nursing theory to focus on A&P 1 - did I do the right thing?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing



This term I had attempted A&P 1, chem for health sciences, and nursing theory (the first nursing course in our program).

I am not working this semester, but I have 3 children, including a toddler. I have not taken any science courses since high school, and I am 39 :eek:

I was really intimidated by A & P 1, and I felt I really need to focus on this, so I dropped the other 2. This will delay my graduating with the ADN / RN for 6 months to a year, depending on what I take next semester. My school advises taking nothing else with the nursing courses, even the nursing theory course.

Could anyone provide any encouragement that I did the right thing? As a career changer, I hate to delay my goal, but felt it would help me in the long run if I can do really well with the science courses. I guess I'm feeling a bit sad that I did this but felt I might not be able to handle that courseload with good grades . . .

Thanks for listening :)

I can't say that you did the right thing, because really only you can decide whether or not it was the right move for you. However, I can tell you that I have thought about doing something similar. I decided not to do it, but that was what was right for me and my family situation. It will do you no good to be overwhelmed and stressed with classes. What is 6 months to a year to the overall big picture? Nothing.

The pro is that you will be able to focus your attention on the task at hand, and then you can just concentrate on the nursing classes. Other than the extra 6 months to a 1 year (time), only you can decide what the cons are. I will say that I do not think that 6 months to 1 year is that big of a con.

So, with that all said. Do I think you made the right decision? I can't answer that. Do I think you made a good decision? Based on what you have said YEP!!! : ) I hope that helps...

I agree. But at least you could have kept Nursing theory along with A&P. Chemistry would be heavy. Good luck!

I agree. But at least you could have kept Nursing theory along with A&P. Chemistry would be heavy. Good luck!

Unfortunately, the school does not allow you to keep the nursing theory without at least taking chem and A& P 1 as co-reqs (you could also have done them as pre-reqs, but this is my first semester of school).

Thank you both for the responses :)

I understand your concern...I also have 3 children, I'm a single mother, with a 10 y/o, a 2 1/2 y/o, and my baby will be 1 tomorrow :) so I know its crazy busy with kids. You just take what you can handle and what you know you can do well with...but from my understanding the actual nursing classes are going to be FAR more intense than any of the pre-req's so prepare yourself! You can do this, it'll be hard and lots of work but totally worth it in the end!!

I believe you made the right choice. I honestly consider A&P 1 to be the most difficult course that I have ever taken in my whole life. By dropping the chem and nursing theory, you will be able to focus more on your A&P1 (and also your children :)) . Perhaps if you didn't drop those and took the three all together, you might end up messing up the whole three. 6months - 1 year is nothing compared to repeating the three courses (if you get low grades) which could take over a year. Pros outweighs the cons. :D

Thank you everyone for the encouragement! It makes me feel better as I continue this journey. :)

Yesterday we had to register for summer classes (already!). I am taking A&P II during summer session 2. It will be intense during a five week period, but that's the only summer course I am taking, and I'm doing it so that I won't have to combine it with other courses during a regular semester.

Thank you everyone for the encouragement! It makes me feel better as I continue this journey. :)

Yesterday we had to register for summer classes (already!). I am taking A&P II during summer session 2. It will be intense during a five week period, but that's the only summer course I am taking, and I'm doing it so that I won't have to combine it with other courses during a regular semester.

I am going to take A&P II over this summer too! : )

:up:, I think you did the right thing. I think it is more important to do well than to get through as fast as you can. Then you won't have to retake classes, and you will have a solid foundation to build on.

If I were you, I'd get a head start on the A&P II class. Not so much because I think it is necessary to do that but just to make it easier and maybe allow you to have a bit more time with your kids in the summer.

I don't know how much you can tell from the course description and you might not want to get too deep into the physiology (or you might want to, it is interesting), but the anatomy is straight forward and will make the physiology easier.

I did the same thing about a yr ago. I was taking chemistry with a &p , and i was so stressed. The good thing is you will be able to obtain a good grade, and actually get to focus on the material and not just memorize it!! Good luck!

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