I changed my mind about becomin a Nurse...

Nurses General Nursing


I made my decision and im adamant about it.I started out with a passion for Nursing, but I have lost interest.I want to become a Teacher and I think thats my true passion.The money is less, but my happiness is more important than a few thousand dollars.I see that alot of Nurses are cranky,overly confident and burned out.I dont see myself being any of these throughout my career.Nursing school is a challenge and I dont see myself studying my butt off to become something I dont have my heart into.Any imput?Advice?

I made my decision and im adamant about it.I started out with a passion for Nursing, but I have lost interest.I want to become a Teacher and I think thats my true passion.The money is less, but my happiness is more important than a few thousand dollars.I see that alot of Nurses are cranky,overly confident and burned out.I dont see myself being any of these throughout my career.Nursing school is a challenge and I dont see myself studying my butt off to become something I dont have my heart into.Any imput?Advice?

OK. If you are adamant you do not need to ask. So my input is "OK."

There are a lot of cranky, burnt out people in many fields. It is up to you about what you may want to do. Teachers get burnt out as well and they have a lot of kids crammed into those class rooms in most areas.

Teachers also end up having to play social worker, cop, referee, you name it. Think very carefully before giving up on nursing school. I admire teachers tremendously but I could not do it. They are underpaid, overworked and the adminstration and the parents tend to pass the buck to them because "little billy or sally" isn't doing well.

Again though if teaching is what you desire go for it. I feel that all professions have a teacher but are not always called that per say. I have met nurses that have been doing it 20+ years and they aren't burnt out at all, I have met others who have been doing it 1 year and they are snappy and short tempered. I then remembered that the cranky ones have always been cranky even when they were doing something else.

Remember cranky and obnoxious will show up regardless of the chosen field. Just like beautiful and kind exists in every field. It is all in how you choose to see it.

Specializes in LTC.

As I've told tons of new college students. If you don't change your major at some point, or at least seriously consider changing your major, there is something wrong with you.

Making changes shows that you are growing up and exploring who you really are.

Best of luck in whatever you decide to do.

this country needs teachers that want to be teachers and we need nurses that want to be nurses. nothing worse when a person as a patient or a student can tell where one's passions lie.

i wish you good luck and am glad that you realized it before graduating and getting a job.

i haven't even started school yet, but i have been chasing this dream of mine to become a nurse for years-and now that i have the opportunity, im starving to get in.

there are some nurses that seem....unkind-just like there are cranky teachers. teach because it's what you love truly and you'll be just fine.

december 9th of 1997, a group of nurses changed my life forever, when they sat with me and cried when i lost my son...i pray that i too can have that kind of impact on someone's life.:redpinkhe

good luck to you!!:cheers:

Specializes in SICU, MICU, CCU, Rehab.

Something must have happened along the way to get you interested in nursing. Was it being at the hospital with a dying family member who had a comforting, compassionate nurse, or maybe watching the drama of ER or Gray's Anatomy that inspired you? Hold on to whatever that reason was and do some soul searching. I HATE my job sometimes and have had different types of jobs working with all walks of life but can't imagine anything as rewarding as having my patient or their family thank me for being there for them. Teaching can be equally as rewarding, but as the above posters say, it can be just as hard or harder than nursing. Good luck in whatever you choose to do. Whether you comfort a patient or inspire a student, you'll be a hero.

congratulation on your decision. teaching is a wonderful profession and you will only work 180 days out of the year with major holidays off. you will retire with state benefits and will be eligible for retirement in 20 or 30 years.

some teachers retire in one state and collect retirement and start working in another state.

if i would have made your decision many years ago, i would have retired 10 years ago. i'm still trucking as a nurse, and cannot retire for another 8 years until i am medicare ready. i hate myself for not planning better for my future.

good luck!!

As I've told tons of new college students. If you don't change your major at some point, or at least seriously consider changing your major, there is something wrong with you.

Making changes shows that you are growing up and exploring who you really are.

Best of luck in whatever you decide to do.

I Love your answer.Especially the second part "making changes shows..."

Thanks to all of you who replied.I learned something from each and EVERYONE of you..

Specializes in Jack of all trades, and still learning.
Thanks to all of you who replied.I learned something from each and EVERYONE of you..

Having a bit of a giggle here. How many of the ppl who answered were 'cranky'? As others have said, follow your heart. You have been lucky enough to recognise your difficulties, and are brave enough to try something else.

I've tried both fields. My choice was nursing. But that was my choice.

Best of luck, hope your dreams turn into reality,


There are those who are burnt out and back-stabbing in every career, but I do think nursing has more than its' share.

When I went through a period where I could not stand working in nursing any more, I did volunteer work. I joined The Red Cross and worked for free.

Even though I was not even getting paid, there were politics, cranky people, etc.

I made my decision and im adamant about it.I started out with a passion for Nursing, but I have lost interest.I want to become a Teacher and I think thats my true passion.The money is less, but my happiness is more important than a few thousand dollars.I see that alot of Nurses are cranky,overly confident and burned out.I dont see myself being any of these throughout my career.Nursing school is a challenge and I dont see myself studying my butt off to become something I dont have my heart into.Any imput?Advice?

Dear Aspiring Nurse,

Please do what makes you happy. Does not matter what it is, nursing, teaching or something else. Find something that works for you. Life is too short to do things that make you miserable. Take an advice from someone who suffers from her wrong choice.


Specializes in Emergency Room.

nursing and teaching are very similar careers because they are both female dominated and under appreciated. i have a family full of teachers and i don't envy them at all. they always bring work home, work late etc.., i do my 8 or 12 hour shift and i'm done. but you seem like you have your mind made up. good luck with whatever you choose.

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