Published Dec 18, 2013
ShesAcuteNurse, ADN, LPN
79 Posts
I remember coming across this site and I stayed on it that first day for hours, there was so much info to sift through. I was so excited to be starting nursing school. I will say that nothing I read prepared me for the grueling stress of it all. This last semester had me wondering if I had chosen the wrong profession. I am a pretty strong person who is not easily stressed but I had to push myself to get up and get dressed for clinical and just show up and do my best and leave the rest to God. I thought I would never finish BUT here I am just hours away from the pinning ceremony!! Was it all worth it? Yes! I feel like I have learned things I did not know about myself or my capabilities. I have met some interesting people, negative and positive, and I learned from them all. So my advice to those who have not finished or even started won't last forever and try not to take anything too personal, use every moment as a teaching moment whether it be for your technical instruction or to teach you how best to deal with difficult people (fellow students, healthcare workers, instructors, patients, etc.) Either way you learn something and in this profession, knowledge is power and applying that knowledge is detrimental. Well, I'm off to get my hair done and eyebrows waxed in preparation for my big day :)! I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and congrats to everyone graduating or just getting accepted!
19 Posts
Wow, what an inspirational post!!! Congrats to you, and thanks again for sharing such positive words of encouragement!! Happy Holidays!!
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
You're very welcome!
BSNbeauty, BSN, RN
1,939 Posts
Congrats!!!!!!! I know the feeling. You should feel very proud.
Missingyou, CNA
718 Posts
I'm so excited for you!
I watched my sister go thru nursing school and am now seeing my niece do the same.
I don't have the courage to do it!
So glad you and they did.
God bless.
Here.I.Stand, BSN, RN
5,047 Posts
Tender Love N Care
16 Posts
well congratulations!!!!!! i am getting into the nursing program (RN)Fall 2014 Lord willing ; and i too have searched this website for hours (for advice, a message, help, info on how to study for entrance exam whatever there was that would of been beneficial)and as i was about to give up Lord and behold i came across your thread you truly have inspired me not to be afraid to reach for my dreams no matter how hard it is or how far i have to reach TO REACH MY GOALS..IN A MATTER OF MINUTES AFTER READING YOUR THREAD YOU HAVE GIVEN ME KNOWLEDGE IN THE HOW TO ACCEPT THE GOOD WITH THE BAD IN THE NURSING PROGRAM REGARDING PEERS, INSTRUCTORS, OR WHOM EVER I MAY COME ACROSS IN THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. You have inspired me to be able to think of it as whole as lesson learned.. thanks so much and i hope your day was as spectacular as your message..Happy Holidays!! God bless you..YOU DID IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 Posts
Congratulations!! Your post is so inspirational and I am so excited for you! *hugs*
3 Posts