Published Aug 11, 2005
2 Posts
Just barely. I feel like I paid $30 to see how stupid I am. The math is what got me and that's what I focused on when studing for it. I'm not sure now whether nursing is the right path for me to take.
I was really excited about it but now I'm not so sure.
Sorry, my first post is such a negative one but I had to let it out.
This forum is where I derived my inspiration. All the wonderful (and not) stories about life as a nurse, student or somewhere in between. It really is a wonderful place on the web.
Good luck to all,
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Welcome to the site. Lurk around and maybe you'll find something that will guide you through. Good luck to you. :)
1,302 Posts
Just barely. I feel like I paid $30 to see how stupid I am. The math is what got me and that's what I focused on when studing for it. I'm not sure now whether nursing is the right path for me to take. I was really excited about it but now I'm not so sure. Sorry, my first post is such a negative one but I had to let it out. This forum is where I derived my inspiration. All the wonderful (and not) stories about life as a nurse, student or somewhere in between. It really is a wonderful place on the web. Good luck to all,Jody
But you did pass! It's just an entrance exam; the one that counts is when you exit and from what I hear, it's not on basic math. Seriously, don't let it bug you--I've taken the test and I can't imagine it can reflect how well you'll do in nursing school.
Welcome to the board and post often--with both the bad and the good :).
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I thought my grades seemed awefully low, but I spoke to the Dean of Nursing about the NET.
I had 88 on the math, and 75 on the english, or 77 on the math, and 88 on the english. (I can't remember right now.) She said, "Congratualtions, those are great grades." So, compared to everyone else all over the country, my grades were great. My program requires 50 on the math, and 50 on the english, so I really surpassed the requirement. lol
Don't beat yourself up, you passed it. Good luck with the rest of your journey.
NeoNurseTX, RN
1,803 Posts
I passed, too, but everything .. math AND reading.. said I was 'high school level'.. the average for the incoming class was college level so I felt really stupid. However, I did a lot better than a lot of the students during the first semester and even made the Dean's List so please don't let the NET scores discourage you!
I'm glad you posted, definitely an encouraging post! :)
876 Posts
Don't beat yourself up about it. I think the NET is basically a weeding-out tool that a lot of school's use to help them choose between nursing applicants since there are soooooooo many. A lot of people take more than one try just to pass, so you are doing wonderful to have passed in the first place! I don't think that your grades on the NET are in any way a precursor to what type of nursing student or nurse you will be. Don't worry about those, as long as you really want to become a nurse, you will do fine and they will teach you what you need to know. Have fun and congratulations on passing!!! :balloons:
87 Posts
:) I wouldn't let that crazy N.E.T. get you down. Trust me...I took it back in Feb., and I got so depressed when my little letter and results came back saying that I had failed it. I thought that I knew that study guide from front to back. :angryfire
I'm ashamed to share these scores:
Math Skills 67%
Reading Rate 52%
Reading Comp. 39%
Written Expression 67%
Testtaking Skills 33% (Now THAT'S not a shocker)
Composite Score was 53% :angryfire We have to have atleast 60%
I really wanted to just forget about this nursing dream, and maybe get into Surgical Tech or some other medical field. Well, the more I thought about it, the more determined I am to push forward. I WILL take it again, and I WILL pass. One stupid test isn't going to show how good of a nurse we are going to be. I have a 3.30 GPA, I'm not stupid, I know that I emotionally and mentally have what it takes to be an R.N. I love caring for people.
It helps to read the posts, and hear other people having the same issues. It lets us know that we are not alone. DON'T give up!
Thanks for the vent.
Cindy :)
Thanks for the encouraging words. I just feel like if I'm so terrible at basic math I will never be able to handle the more difficult work. Maybe when my pity party is over and I've had time to relax I will reconsider. I'm not getting any younger and have to make a decision soon!
I really enjoy this forum and will continue to read and hopefully get inspired again.
143 Posts
Believe me guys it is okay,
Buy the STUDY GUIDE, I used the study guide and pulled 93 on the NET composite, study the math and it will work out, the study guide was a dream come true, and I made one of the highest grades on my NET in my ADN class~
It can be done,
but because I am a perfectionist I have been considering retaking it to see if I can get atleadt 99 percent if not 100, although my nursing advisors thinks that that is crazy!!!
Good Luck~
ADN-May 07