Hurst with Nclex Help Study Plan

Nursing Students NCLEX


So I graduated in December and bought the Hurst review awhile back in (feb). Its been 6 months since I have graduated. As many of you guys who have bought the Hurst review it was said not to take the NCLEX during times of hardship. When I graduated, one of my family member was diagnosed with cancer in december. It was extremely hectic and I feel like I have lost so many months of studying, moving on with my life, etc etc etc. Currently, I am the caregiver, jobless and constantly taking care of my family and family issues also taking my family member to the hospital everyday for PT/OT, appointments, etc. During this time I also have more responsibilities for financial issues as well. Honestly, my life is on a hold. Regarding NCLEX, I was already scheduled for Nclex but I had to make a decision to cancel it or take it and take my chances of passing. So I ended up taking the NCLEX and failed at 75 questions without really studying much. Now that I am trying to get back to studying, I find it difficult to study, cant focus, I made my schedule several times and been unsuccessful in following it. This time around I have made my schedule by studying for only Hurst review for about 3 months maybe? and taking Saunders question and/or NCLEX 4000. My schedule is basic such as every topic, for example, fluid and electrolytes.. I take three days to study it. All my Hurst notes are completed. I only have to now sit down and study. I want some tips on how I should do it. Also, my schedule for studying is only 5 days (weekdays). I keep my weekends for catch up day/break days, because everyday its something new occurs/issues, which can delay my studying. There's a lot of peer pressure as well from family, bf, etc about passing and studying for NCLEX and I like to pass on my second time around, if not I have wasted almost year and scared about not passing later. I have read lotta threads and one thread I read about a lady who was out of nursing school for over a year and half and took Kaplan failed at 75, then she took HUrst review and did NCLEX 4000 CD failed 2nd time at 265 question because she was rushing and then again she took it the 3rd time and passed. Also, I have read under threads that many people take only few weeks usually less than a month to study. I want an idea of a study plan, many people can help me it would be great to view everyones opinions on it. I already decided I am only doing Hurst review, Saunder question and/or NCLEX 4000 and maybe ATI question app since I already bought it. Thinking to do ATI questions when I am at the hospital or somewhere that I cant take my hurst reviews with me. So any tips on how I should study and how many hours should I put into it and I kinda dont want to wait for 3 months to take my nclex would like to take it within 2 months or 2 1/2 months, do you guys think its possible. I know I probably cant put more then 5 hours in to my day for studying. Oh also, I am thinking to take NCSBN review ONLY for practice question once I am done with Hurst Review (maybe do the questions for 2 weeks or maybe 1 week.. what do you guys think?). Your help will be highly appreciated!! Thanks!!

I'm in a very similar situation to you! I've been out of school since 2012 (got my degree in Australia) then stayed an worked for a year. Just found out a couple weeks ago I failed it for the 3rd time. First time I took it right when I got back and admittedly didn't study much, then the last 2 times my family has been dealing with a lot of hardships. We've had a diagnosis of cancer in a family, and a family member pass away from cancer, and recently one go into the hospital. I'm frustrated, jobless, back home living with mom and dad. The pressure is immense and frustrating because I know i'm gonna be a damn good nurse. My parents even suggested me taking a break, do my LVN work for a bit and go back and study which I don't think is going to help me at all. I took Kaplan and it didn't help me at all. I've been doing ATI testing which is like an online course and they send you review books. It's been very helpful and having an online coach has its perks. I'm an awful test taker and have really bad anxiety, and with all the family stuff going on last year just wasn't my year. I wasn't sure how to dig myself out of this hole but it can be done!!! I''m going to try UWORLD as i've heard most people say really good things about it. Don't be discouraged, it's stressful and nobody around you knows how hard this test is. Take it at the time that works best for you! I had to postpone it and postpone it bout 5-6 times and then even though I knew I wasn't ready I was rushed into it and pressured and I took it. Wrong move. Do you!!!! In the end nobody wants to pass it and get their lives moving more than us. Keep telling yourself nobody wants it more than I do every time you feel pressured by somebody. If you come across any good study plans, please let us know! and I will do the same. I'm new to this site, and it's nice to know that there are other people going through similar situations. Keep positive!! 2016 is our year.

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