Hunter College Fall 2018 GPA and NLN Pax Scores | allnurses

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey prospective nursing students :)

I wanted to start a discussion on Hunters 2018 application frenzy.

I'm currently completing my application & studying for the NLN that I have scheduled in February.

Would love if we could open up a discussion on current test scores and experiences:

  • How did you prepare for the NLN exam?
  • Was the actual test material what you expected- was it harder/ was there any material you were not prepared for?
  • Did you take the exam at hunter? If so, I found out they let you use calculators- was it a very basic calculator - or did it have functions such as exponents and negative integer capabilities?
  • What is your NLN score and percentile?
  • What is your gpa?
  • Do you feel your career goal statement (for nursingcas application) was strong? (I struggled a bit with this section as the instructions were very vague)

Hope to hear from you all.

Good luck!

Hey ashley1022, I'm not 100% sure but in past threads students heard back the last week of April or the first week of May. According to the forum from 2017 they heard back on April 27th. Could be different this year though.

So I emailed Maria Mendoza today because my anxiety was starting to get out of control. She said decisions won't be sent out until mid-May this year!

Thanks for getting in contact with them. I emailed the nursing adviser last week with no reply!

Hey everyone!

I'm anxious to hear back from CUNY about admittance. It sucks that the results are not until mid may this year.

My scores were 160 on the NLN/Pax and I have a 3.8 GPA

I used an app called NLN pax. It had a pink "P" on it and it was free to start but if you want all the options its 12$.

do you mind asking what was your GPA and test score??

Hey, I am a freshmen in Hunter college right now.

I also applied to the nursing program.

I am really worried because everyone seem to have a 4.0 gpa and like a 99th percentile nln grade :(

My gpa is a 3.83 and a 140 nln grade

I applied to A2D program. I have repeated pre-reqs because of health issues which I emailed the program about multiple times over the past year and a half - never got someone on the phone or to reply to my emails. I wasn't able to make a info session because of work. This is making me so anxious. My GPA is 3.2 and got 153 on NLN PAX (99th percentile). 3 years of cancer research

The letters for nursing are out. I know people who got in.. but i got rejected xc

one asian girl got accepted with 4.0 and 148 nln score

anther Uzbekistan girl got accepted with 4.0 and 123 score

yet i got rejected with 3.86 and 130 score.. im asian

I heard a rumor they pick the best people from race groups which is kinda racist

Haven't heard yet...

I got into their accelerated program with 3.88 GPA with pax score of 153. I received my acceptance email an hour ago.

i got accepted to the generic program!! 3.8 with a 147 NLN score. im shocked but so ready for this orientation

I got a 3.15 GPA from Queens College when in high school which is their CollegeNow program. At Hunter I have a 3.94 with a 133 NLN test score but I still haven't gotten any email at all on if I was rejected or accepted. Apparently they wanted they wanted my transcript from the other College and I never sent it because it's all CUNY so I thought it would be fine. I've tried calling the pre-nursing adviser and emailing her but no response. I just want an answer on if I got in or not! But honestly I don't even know if they'd consider my application anymore so I think I've automatically been rejected seeing how everyone else has amazing scores. I don't know what to do anymore, help!!

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