HRSA Nursing Scholarship Program 2014-2015

Nursing Students General Students


Does anyone know when the 2014 application will be posted (and when it's due)?

People who have been accepted to this scholarship, do you have any tips? What does the application entail?


When I called originally to talk to someone before I even put in my application the man on the phone told me they don't always pull credit. There is a different way apparently to see if you defaulted on student loans. But last year credit was checked around this time...

What are you using to check your credit?

What are you using to check your credit?



Thanks! I have that app so I'll keep checking it. Mine only updates weekly though. Does yours?

yep. it updates weekly, but i check it everyday regardless haha

This waiting is killing me. I am a super control freak and I'm going crazy. I am trying to get my work schedule situated and need to know how many hours I need to work. I am pretending I will not get the scholarship but that means I will have to work A LOT... And that is going to hinder my studying :(

Honestly I just wish we would know either way already. It's causing me stress and anxiety!

Hi all, I'm signed up for credit karma and it appears that my credit was checked on 6/23. The organization was "Dept of Hea" so probably Department of Health. And now I wait like everyone else - anxiously...

Well, I haven't gotten anything yet. So maybe my application got tossed. Or maybe they haven't finished pulling credit yet. Or maybe they don't pull it for everyone. Ugh. It's finals week; I don't have time to worry about this right now.

That's all I do is worry!! Come on hrsa tell us something!!!! ?

Anyone know when we're expected to hear something by? Anybody else's credit score checked? Mine hasn't been...

Only 1 poster has confirmed that their credit has been checked.

I keep checking and checking, if I don't get it this year, I honestly don't know what I'll do. I hope they are better at distributing their funds than my school is. Last year, my school awarded TONS of scholarship monies to students who already would have the majority of their tuition covered via their jobs' tuition reimbursement programs. :banghead: Don't get me wrong, I am happy to see people get money awarded, but several people in our class who really needed the money did not get it (and these were people with comparable GPAs, say a difference of 3.5 vs 3.39). I get that some of the recipients may have had better grades, but these were pushed to us as need-based scholarships.

I'm going crazy waiting to hear a yes or no. I called the other day and asked if a decision had been made yet and to confirm we would get a rejection email if we are not picked. The lady said she was pretty sure they hadn't come to any decisions yet and that yes, all applicants would get an email even if they are not picked.

I'm really hoping I get this, I had to quit my full time job so I could finish school. The wait is killing me.

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