How do you stay motivated


to all the students taking pre-req's and those who have been accepted to nursing school. what can be done as the process goes to stay motivated? This is my third try at college and from previous experience i notice that when the semester begins i am hyped but as it goes on i lose that zeal.

I don't do anything but school, study and strive to get through it. I have 20 more months, and am just looking at the end date. I spend a lot of time on line on this forum staying focused on the goal. I just keep thinking how I will spend the first paycheck and how it will help my family, keeping my eyes on the prize...Maybe it's over simplified but you just have to look long term, put blinders on and keep at it.

Specializes in Critical Care, Clinical Documentation Specialist.

I know exactly what you mean. I just started my pre-reqs, 2 down 13 to go and its the fall of 2011 when I expect to start NS! I found I floundered a little in those two classes - I am doing mine online and found I got tired of the note taking and the discussion garbage, English was the worst.

So here is what I do. I have a sheet printed out next to my computer, it lists all my semesters with all my classes listed out, I even have the NS semesters in there....I can see the end of it all right there. I do what notthereyet0 said I put blinders on and keep at it. I now have 2 with big red lines through them, done! And I feel great every time I see the A's I got next to them.

I also have much to prove, to others and to myself. I am 40 and going back to school for my BSN, leaving university in my 20s was the greatest regret that I have. I have a teenage daughter who is watching me and I tell her every day I'm not smarter than her, I'm just studying smart and putting the work into it all. I am going to be competing for 172 slots and (I think) about 30 or 40 in the specific campus I need, that's a big motivator... I need those grades up and my only way to get there is to put the study time in.

I also remember to take breaks, mentally and physically from it all. You can't study all the time or you would go insane; leave the work behind (when schedule allows of course) go out and see a movie, dinner with friends, whatever that revitalizes and gives you the 'umph' to keep going. Sometimes you just have to leave it for a day and have fun.

Well now that I have written my usual book, I hope that gives you some insight and maybe some ideas. Good Luck, if I can do this so can you!!!

Specializes in School Nursing.

Back in the day when I was struggling through pre-reqs (1 or 2 at a time and working in an office FT - yuck!), I would watch every medical drama or reality show there was to keep my mind on what I was working for. The real life ones on TLC and Discovery Health are awesome!

Specializes in none.

I just think about how much I will have accomplished when I am all done! How I will be able to say I am a college graduate and I am a registered nurse. The paycheck difference wont be bad either! Just focus on your goals and you will accomplish them!

It can be hard... I've definitely gone through the same kinds of doubts, etc. as you from time to time.

I agree with what others have said. Looking for the silver lining and keeping in mind what the big picture is in all of this does help me, at least, to keep going. I personally think it's also great to have people in your life that are supportive and encouraging (be it family, friends, co-workers...) on what you're trying to achieve. In a way it can be a double edge sword when I'm struggling (because I'm not always thrilled at the prospect of being asked "so how's school going"), but it helps to know there are people that care just as much as I do about the goals I have set for myself. Also, from what I've seen of this forum seems to be another great source of strength towards our nursing goals.

Good luck to you and all of us going through this process (at least none of us are alone) :)!

Specializes in Maternity.

i always wanted to be a nurse but what keeps me motivated? my daughter, hands down. her dad left us with virtually nothing. my dream is to give my daughter virtually everything that she deserved from the beginning.

What is it during the semester that brings you down? I can't imagine NOT being motivated. Exercise can boost your mood. I also recommend mapping out your plan semester by semester through graduation. I also took the long road doing 2 classes per semester but mostly because I had not other choice (We had a baby, moved from across the country, and we currently pay out of state tuition-OUCH!)

Stay here for motivation, school certainly has it's ups and downs but you gotta let the downers roll off your back. This is a long road, try to make it a happy one. Surround yourself with a supportive network. Brag about your good grades(to your family), celebrate the end of every term. That's what I do.

I work as a Nursing Assistant, which motivates me. I like being an NA because it's gives me patient care experience and I'm comfortable working in a hospital, but at the same time I definetly don't want to make a career out of it. I'm capable of doing more so I do the best I can at work as well as do the best I can in school. I also have a time-table.

Specializes in SNU/SNF/MedSurg, SPCU Ortho/Neuro/Spine.

new experiences, new clinicals, new information,

and the countdown for graduation lol!

Well for me it's not hard to stay motivated because I think ahead about having a new job, new career, broad range of opportunities, higher earnings potential, etc., etc. Right now I don't have a professional license that allows me to work all over the country and just about any place in the world. So getting my nursing license will be a long awaited christmas present (even though i will hopefully be getting it in the summer or early fall). Research fields and/or specialties you're interested in. Sign up for professional newsletters - seeing these in your email box everday will help you feel in the zone.

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