Published Apr 23, 2004
31 Posts
Hi Everyone,
One of my professors was talking about IUD's and saying she recommends them as a form of birth control. I have heard about the negative things about them like death from sepsis.
How safe are they and would you recommend them to your pt.?
Thanks! :)
131 Posts
I have an IUD and am generally very happy with it. It it 6 years old and will have to be removed at 10 years. I do have a heavier menstrual cycle because of it, but am otherwise pleased.
I wanted a tubal ligation with my last pregnancy. Unfortunately, I was admitted at 18 weeks and delivered at 23 (he's fine). My doc wouldn't give me the tubal because we had not spoken about it prior to hospitalization and she was afraid my decision about sterilization was clouded by the complications of the pregnancy.
I wish I knew some reputable statistics for you on IUD's, but I don't. When I was thinking of getting mine, I looked on-line and realized that the people happy with their IUD's didn't post much where those unhappy were quite vocal.
All I can offer is my experience which has been good.
1,907 Posts
Here are websites for a couple of the major IUD makers:
Paraguard (10 year IUD):
Mirena (5 year progestin IUD):
I would look on the "health care professional" links and look at the prescribing and package insert info - that's where you can usually find the side effects and contraindications, etc. (the main customer page makes it sound like all "pros" instead of "cons" because they are trying to sell a product).
Best wishes- mm
unknown99, BSN, RN
933 Posts
I had an IUD, one of the 10 year ones. I never even knew it was there. Then, 5 years later when I went for my yearly check-up, my gyno told me I was pregnant. I told her she was crazy!!! I have an IUD for goodness sake!!! Well, turns out, the IUD turned and slipped a little, and along came pregnancy #5!!! She was able to remove the IUD without harming the fetus. Well, after my precious daughter (and only daughter) came, needless to say, I had my tubes cut , tied, burned!!!!!!
Thanks everyone for all of the information. It has been really helpful!
Thanks again!
Whoa nellie... that would be a shocker. I have heard one or two other people who found out that IUD's aren't 100% as well. Guess that's one way to get your girl, huh? (I have three boys but lacking a surprise like yours I think we'll be sticking with the testosterone around here).
488 Posts
I have an IUD and think that it is a good choice for some women. I discussed my options in great detail with my GYN. Birth control pills made me very ill and I was not real crazy about the other options (like depo shot). It hurt to get put in and I am sure it will hurt to get removed, but it doesn't hurt anything like labor!
BadBird, BSN, RN
1,126 Posts
I had 2 IUD's in the past for about a 10 year span and thought they were wonderful, no problems at all.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
I used an IUD for about ten years also - no problems - absolutely loved it!
136 Posts
i have had an iud for 3 years so far, no probblems but...
:angryfire my cramps are hell!!!:angryfire
53 Posts
Had an IUD for 1 year and I hated it. I went from easy periods to horrible cramping and heavy bleeding. Atleast I can say 1 good thing about my experience--it sure didn't hurt nearly as much taking it out as it did being put in! No more IUD for me!
30 Posts
I had an IUD for 2 and a half years, the Copper T. For the past year i had spotting midcycle; it turns out my iud moved and i had to have it taken out 2 weeks ago. my gyn also discovered i had a fungus from the iud called actinomyces and now im on antibiotics for 6 WEEKS! this fungus can cause uterine scarring and chronic pelvic pain if untreated.
you're right; it didnt hurt as much coming out as going in. i also suffered from extremely heavy periods lasting about 10 days with the iud.
its amazing how some women have little or no side effects and some have horrible ones...